An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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To Live or Stay

To Live or Stay

July 15, 2020

This work shares the reflections of a young woman who is contemplating whether to stay home or leave because of the violence she faces from a male parent who is unemployed due to the COVID-19 restrictions. This piece gathers the questions that would run through her mind as she weighs the pros and cons of each endeavour. Eventually she contemplates the other parent. Both with anger about being abandoned and then understood. A duality in essence which is the theme of this work and which has been the general atmosphere that the COVID-19 has created. 

Patricia Lamwaka is a Ugandan artist born and bred under the Africa sun, and is passionate about the shared experiences of her African sisters. She is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree. Patricia appreciates street food and thinks that Laurence Moniasse Sessou is inspiring.
She considers that contexts have the power to change perceptions and that human beings are predictable, meaning in most of our experiences that we are never alone, the difference is that we feel our pain individually.


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