An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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12th Extraordinary Summit


The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic signs the Treaty for the Establishment of the African Medicines Agency
July 07, 2019

Niamey, Niger, 07th of July 2019: On the occasion of the 12st Extraordinary Session of the Assembly, held on 07 July

July 07, 2019

Niamey, Niger , 07th of July 2019: On the occasion of the 12st Extraordinary Session of the Assembly, held on 07 Jul

The Gabonese Republic signs three new African Union Treaties in Niamey
July 05, 2019

الجمهورية الجابونية توقع على ثلاث معاهدات للاتحاد الأفريقي في نيامي

July 04, 2019

الاتحاد الافريقي سيطلق المرحلة التشغيلية لمنطقة التجارة الحرة القارية الأفريقية في القمة في النيجر

Civil Society organizations urged to play complimentary political roles
July 04, 2019

Niamey, Niger - 4 July 2019 – The African Union Commission in partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission

June 17, 2019

الدورة العادية الثامنة والثلاثين للجنة الممثلين الدائمين التابعة للاتحاد الافريقي تنطلق في اديس ابابا

First Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the African Union (AU) and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
July 08, 2019


July 08, 2019


12th Extraordinary Summit on AfCFTA
July 07, 2019


July 07, 2019

Press Conference on the Outcome of the joint meeting between the African Union Commission, African Leaders Malaria Al

35th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council
July 04, 2019 to July 05, 2019

مذكرة إعلامية
الدورة العادية الخامسة والثلاثين للمجلس التنفيذي للاتحاد الأفريقي

June 17, 2019 to June 20, 2019

he African Union, in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other partners, is commemorating the annual World/Africa Refugee Day next week. This year, the AU is also marking the 50th anniversary of the 1969 OAU Refugee Convention and the 10th anniversary of the 2009 AU Convention on the Protection and Assistance for Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.

Online accreditation for journalists now available for the 1st mid-year Coordination Meeting and the Extraordinary Summit on AfCFTA

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