Latest Documents
Presentation_Africa CDC Symposium
Technical Notes
Biennial Review on Malabo Implementaion links
Technical Guidelines for reporting on Malabo, REV2
Coordination Mechanism and Continental Roadmap for the BR (ENG)
2017 Country Performances Reporting Format on Malabo (ENG)
Conclusions of the Inaugural African Economic Platform
20th to 22nd March, 2017
Port Louis, Mauritius -
Report of the Ministers’ Meeting: Second Meeting of the STC-HPDC-2
2017-STC on Health, Population and Drug Control
Financial Reports and Audited Financial Statements of the AU Commission
Day 3 Presentations: The First Ordinary Session of the African Union Specialized
Day 2 Presentations: The First Ordinary Session of the African Union Specialized
Day 1 Presentations: The First Ordinary Session of the African Union Specialized
Information for Broadcasters: Downlink Parameters for AEP
Downlink Parameter for AFRICAN ECONOMIC PLATFORM 20 - 22 MARCH 2017
Downlink Satellite: Eutelsat 10A C-Band
Downlink Frequency: 3734.05 MHz
Symbol Rate: 3.333 Mbaud
Roll off: 20%
Pilot: OFF
Eutelsat MCR: +33 178 97 55 64 (In case of any Eutelsat 10A downlink problem)
Speech of the AU Chairperson H.E Alpha CONDE during the Handover Ceremony betwe
2018 Election Calendar
Labour Reports
Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Africa’s Economic transformation under
PLENARY PANEL 4: A brief on African Skills Revolution & Reaping Its Demographic
PLENARY PANEL 3: A brief on Competitiveness of the African Private Sector: Build
PLENARY PANEL 2: A brief on Intra African Trade and Investments
PLENARY PANEL 1: A brief on the African Union Commodities Strategy and Industria
The First Ordinary Session of the African Union Specialized Technical Committee
AEP Media Accreditation Application Form