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Sudan signs CAADP Compact

Sudan signs CAADP Compact

July 31, 2013
Sudan signs CAADP Compact

Press Release Nº123/2013

Sudan signs CAADP Compact

Khartoum-Sudan, July 31, 2013–The Republic of Sudan yesterday become the 32nd African Country to sign the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Compact.

The signing ceremony was officiated by Sudanese Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Hon. Abdelhaleem Ismail Al-Mutaafi, AUC Commissioner for the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, H.E Tumusiime Rhoda Peace and COMESA Secretary General, Sindiso Ngwenya.

A CAADP Compact spells out a County’s priority areas for investment in the agriculture sector agreed upon by stakeholders to address national priorities. It is also meant to define actions, commitments, partnerships and alliances to guide country policy and investment responses.
Dr. Al-Mutaafi, reaffirmed Sudan’s commitment towards CAADP implementation and pledged to mobilize more stakeholders to support the process.

The Sudan CAADP Compact takes into account the country’s Agriculture Revival Propramme (ARP) and the Economic Recovery Programme 2012-2014.

Commissioner Tumusiime, congratulated Sudan for signing the Compact, assuring Sudan that, “This significant step promises sustained economic growth, food and nutrition security in The Sudan,” as CAADP was not only a reaffirmation of commitment by AU Heads of State and Government to the development of Africa, led by sustained investment in agriculture, food and nutrition security, but also envisioned as a fundamental engine of economic growth based on catalysing comprehensive and broad-based public and private sector investment in the entire agricultural value chain.

She further stated that the AUC was cognizant of the high potential of The Sudan to become one of the leading pillars for realizing ‘the African Dream’, taking CAADP to another level and meeting the vision of Africa becoming food-sufficient and a net exporter of agricultural and agro-processed commodities to the rest of the world.

The Sudanese CAADP Compact was signed by Sudanese Ministers of Agriculture and Irrigation, and Finance and National Economy respectively, the AUC, NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency, COMESA, representatives from the Sudanese Farmer’s Union, private sector, civil society and development partners.

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