An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Opening Remarks of Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki Chief Executive Officer African Union Development Agency-NEPAD

Opening Remarks of Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki Chief Executive Officer African Union Development Agency-NEPAD

African Union Summit Side Event

Member States Reporting on Agenda 2063

6 February 2020

Your Excellency, the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission,

Your Excellency Honourable Minister Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma,

Your Excellencies,

Honorable Ministers,

Representatives of Development Partners,

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

February 06, 2020

Missão De Observação Eleitoral Da União Africana Para A Segunda Volta Da Eleição Presidencial De 29 De Dezembro De 2019 Na República Da Guiné-Bissau

December 30, 2019
Portuguese, International


A segunda volta da eleição presidencial de 29 de Dezembro de 2019 constitui uma viragem histórica no sistema político. Os eleitores votaram na calma e na serenidade e deram provas de maturidade democrática.

Missão De Observação Da União Africana Para A Segunda Volta Da Eleição Presidencial De 29 De Dezembro De 2019 Na Republica Da Guine-Bissau

December 26, 2019
Portuguese, International
No quadro da segunda volta da eleição presidencial que terá lugar no dia 29 de Dezembro de 2019, a Comissão da União Africana (UA) anuncia a chegada de uma Missão de Observação eleitoral à República da Guiné-Bissau. A primeira volta desenrolou-se no dia 24 de Novembro de 2019.

União Africana anuncia a chegada do Chefe da MOEUA para a segunda volta das eleições presidenciais na Guiné-Bissau

December 26, 2019
Portuguese, International
Bissau, Guinea Bissau, 26 December 2019 – O Chefe da Missão de Observação Eleitoral da União Africana, para as eleições na Guiné-Bissau (MOEUA), Sua Excelência Joaquim Rafael Branco, antigo Primeiro-ministro da Republica Democrática de São Tome e Príncipe chegou esta noite à Bissau. Dr. Rafael Branco foi recebido à sua chegada por Sua Excelência, o Embaixador Ovídio M.B. Pequeno, Representante Especial e Chefe do Gabinete de Ligação da UA na Guiné-Bissau.

COP25 SIDE EVENT: Amid increasing climate and disaster risks, how is Africa building its resilience?

December 10, 2019


COP25 SIDE EVENT: Amid increasing climate and disaster risks, how is Africa building its resilience?


What: An African Union (AU) led side event convened by the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) on the margins of the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

When: 10 December 2019

Time: 11:30 – 13:00

Where: IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, Spain, Room 5

Event Programme: 
Concept Note: 

Technical consultation meeting on preparations for the 2020 Africa-France Summit on Sustainable Cities kicks off in Lusaka

November 27, 2019

African experts have convened in Lusaka to deliberate on regional priorities in preparation for the 2020 Africa-France Summit, billed for 4-6 June 2020 in Bordeaux, France on the theme of “Better Cities, Better Lives” co-hosted by the African Union Commission, the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

ISI-IFC-AUC and NSI High Level Meeting on Data Governance, Tunis on 22nd November 2019

January 07, 2019

“Building a Strong Community of Innovative and Forward Looking Leaders in Official Statistics”.

Dear colleague, we are pleased to announce the ISI IFC High Level Meeting on Data Governance on 22nd November 2019 in Tunis, Tunisia.

This meeting hosted by the National Institute of Statistics Tunisia (INS) will build on the earlier ISI Governance workshops organised in Africa: (see https://www.isi-


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