An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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  • Reintegrating Ex-Combatants in Post-Conflict Societies
    March 28, 2025

    A review of several DDR programs exploring three main challenges and issues (security, social tensions, and marginalization) identifies lessons learned and best practices. Includes useful discussion and comparative analysis of issues related to national ownership and different types of security and political environments in which DDR (or components of it) might be implemented.

  • AUEOM Election Report: Republic of Togo
    July 21, 2020

    Rapport de la Mission d’Observation Electorale de l’Union africaine pour l’élection présidentielle du 22 février 2020 en République Togolaise

  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #29
    Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #29
    July 21, 2020

    Since the last brief (14 July 2020), 1,577,909 new confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 37,039 new deaths have been reported globally. To date, a total of 14,363,960 COVID-19 cases and 603,943 (CFR: 4.2%) related deaths have been reported from 215

  • iDove STOCKTAKING REPORT 2017-2019
    Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism - iDove Stocktaking Report 2017-2019
    July 17, 2020

    The global threat to peace and security that emanates from violent extremism requires the development of innovative approaches to prevent the growth of local and global security risks. Security responses bear high financial and human costs; they do not tackle the root causes of radicalization and violent extremism and have the potential to exacerbate polarization within and between societies.

  • Compendium of Regional and International Legal Instruments on Girls’ and Women’s
    July 16, 2020
  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #26
    July 14, 2020
  • AU CSOs: Accelerating Actions Against Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality
    July 14, 2020

    We, the participants of the African Union- Civil Society Organisations Consultation convened vi

  • Postponement of July 2020 Summit
    July 13, 2020
  • Africa Integration Day Brochure
    Africa Integration Day Brochure
    July 08, 2020
    Africa’s journey towards an integrated continent is closely linked to its Leaders’ vision of a strong and united continent following its fragmentation during the second Conference of Berlin in 1884.
    Even as African countries were preparing to accede to national sovereignty, there was a recognition that as newcomers in the international system, their strength and survival lay in their unity.
  • Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa
    July 08, 2020

    We, the Heads of State and Government of Member States of the African Union, meeting in the Third Ordinary Session of our Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 6-8 July 2004:

  • Modelo de Currículo Vitae (CV) para a Posição de Liderança Sénior
    July 07, 2020
  • Study on the roles and contributions of youth to peace and security in Africa
    July 01, 2020

    An Independent Expert Report Commissioned by the Peace and Security Council of the African Union

  • Policy Guidelins on Digitizing Teaching and Learning in Africa
    Policy Guidelins on Digitizing Teaching and Learning in Africa
    June 29, 2020
  • Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024
    June 25, 2020

    On the Wings of Innovation, the AU Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA-2024) places science, technology and innovation at the epicentre of Africa’s socio-economic development and growth.

  • Tax Transparency in Africa 2020 Africa Initiative Progress Report: 2019
    Tax Transparency in Africa 2020 Africa Initiative Progress Report: 2019
    June 25, 2020
  • Factsheet: Mobilizing Africa’s Workforce for Development
    Factsheet: Mobilizing Africa’s Workforce for Development
    June 24, 2020


    The African Union recognizes the critical role that Africa’s labour movement can play in the growth, development and prosperity of the continent. In 2009, through its Citizens and Diaspora Organizations Directorate (CIDO), the AU established the AU-OATUU (African Union-Organisation of African Trade Union Unity) partnership forum as part of efforts to implement the strategic pillar on Shared Values.

  • Factsheet: CIDO - GIZ Cooperation
    Factsheet: CIDO - GIZ Cooperation
    June 24, 2020

    Highlights of the cooperation with the GIZ-project “Support to the African Union on Migration and Displacement”

  • Factsheet: Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove)
    Factsheet: Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove)
    June 24, 2020

    Violent extremism is a global issue. Whether it has polit- ical, ideological, racist or religious roots, the problem of youth radicalisation affects African and European socie- ties alike. The common response of using coercive hard power to counter violent extremism has only limited ef- fect and comes at a high cost, both financially and in terms of human lives.

  • Factsheet: Fostering the Engagement of the Faith Community in Development
    June 24, 2020


    In recognition of the critical role that the faith community plays in peace, security and development in Africa and globally, the African Union Commission, through its Citizens and Diaspora Organizations (CIDO) Directorate, the directorate responsible for non-state actors, continue to foster collaboration with the faith community. This collaboration has been on-going since 2010 and has taken several formats:

  • Factsheet: Leveraging the Diaspora for Continental Transformation in Development
    June 24, 2020


  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #23
    June 24, 2020

    Outbreak Update: Since the last brief (16 June 2020), 1,037,856 new confirmed1 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 34,192 new deaths have been reported globally. To date, a total of 8,871,099 COVID-19 cases and 465,987 (CFR: 5.3%) related deaths have been reported from 215 countries and territories. No new country or territory is reporting cases or deaths for the first time this week.

  • COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 23 June 2020
    June 23, 2020

    In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member States. Africa CDC shares a weekly brief detailing the latest developments in scientific knowledge and public health policy from around the world, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and other public health agencies.

  • COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 16 June 2020
    June 16, 2020

    In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member States. Africa CDC shares a weekly brief detailing the latest developments in scientific knowledge and public health policy from around the world, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and other public health agencies.

  • Report: Financing the Union: Towards the financial autonomy of the African Union
    June 16, 2020

    1. The AU needs adequate, reliable and predictable resources to implement its programmes so as to achieve its development and integration goals. Successive Summits of the AU have since 2015, taken financial reform decisions, to ensure there is sound and predictable finances to address the historical challenges the African Union has faced. These are;