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Customs Experts gather for the 2nd time in Harare, Zimbabwe to discuss Coordinated Border Management in Africa

Customs Experts gather for the 2nd time in Harare, Zimbabwe to discuss Coordinated Border Management in Africa

May 20, 2015
Customs Experts gather for the 2nd time in Harare, Zimbabwe to discuss Coordinated Border Management in Africa

Customs Experts gather for the 2nd time in Harare, Zimbabwe to discuss Coordinated Border Management in Africa

Harare, Zimbabwe, 20 May 2015, – A three days African Union Customs Experts meeting organized by the Department of Trade and industry of the African Union Commission, in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority commenced yesterday at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe. The meeting is held with the objective of contributing to the development of an African Union Border Management Strategy; provide a platform for exchange of views and experiences on issues of trade facilitation in line with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and movement of people across borders.

”The objective of this meeting on which we are going to exchange views and ideas for the next three days on implementation of Coordinated Border Management in Africa is not new, the practice is based on the need for agencies and international community to work together to achieve common goals” said Mrs. Treasure Maphanga, Director, Trade and Industry in her remarks at the opening. In recalling further the various challenges that agencies face with border management responsibilities , ranging from health, product safety, quarantine, immigration controls , vehicle inspections, insurance, road access tolls , security as well as revenue and other customs concerns, the fundamental nature of the defies that each agency confronts is how to facilitate the legitimate trade. “But for all this to make impact on African economies, we need to involve the private sector that conduct business and trade across borders” appeals Mrs. Maphanga. She later concluded by encouraging the experts to come up with sound recommendations on implementation of Coordinated Border Management so as to boost intra African trade which in turn improves the lives of the African People.

Before officially opening the meeting, the Commissioner for Customs and Excise of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority Mr. Happias Kuzvinzwa welcomed the delegates to Zimbabwe and emphasized that ”the customs Border Management topic and all issues related to trade facilitation are pertinent to the African Continent in view of enhanced public service delivery and increased efficiency in customs and border operations”. Mr. Kuzvinzwa highlighted the Zimbabwe’s positive experience with the Chirundu One Stop Border Post and informed the meeting that plans are already underway to establish another OSBP at Victoria Falls primarily targeting tourists and business persons. Full speeches are available on:

Customs Experts from Customs Departments of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the Bureau of the African Union Sub-Committee of Directors General of Customs, some African Union Member States and Experts International organizations such as the International Organization on Migration, World Customs Organization and Private Sector Organizations, are attending this meeting.

For More information, please Contact Mr. Aly Iboura , Head of Customs division , Email:

Media Contact

Meaza Tezera, Department of Trade and Industry, +251912120442, Email: .

For further information:

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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