An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Sauti Blog


In line with Agenda 2063 Aspiration 6 which calls for an Africa, whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth.

The African Union through the Office of the Youth Envoy in collaboration with the Gender Directorate created and launched the Sauti blog and publication, a platform to give space to young African women to feature young African women initiatives, support young African women creative and feature their artworks and lastly showcase and reinforce the linguistic diversity of Africa. 

The annual blog was launched in June calling for young women from across Africa and the diaspora to share their stories video and pictures and written articles to further showcasing their innovation and impact in the community, over 1000 young women submitted their work, a review committee formed vetted and selected 25 outstanding women who will be featured on the African Union website as well as an online publication which will be distributed to AU member states. 

List of winners 



I Was . . .
July 15, 2020


I was 5 the first time I felt a man's hand on my body…

Sammy’s Kitchen
July 15, 2020
Of Love and Ticking Time Bombs
Des Maux Sans Mots
July 15, 2020

Il est 19 heures passées de quelques minutes sur Niamey, capitale du Niger.

Topic Resources

September 18, 2020

The Sauti publication features artworks from young African women, and showcases the linguistic diversity of Africa. #Africayouthlead

September 18, 2020

The Sauti publication features artworks from young African women, and showcases the linguistic diversity of Africa. #Africayouthlead