Latest Documents
Evaluation of Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Programm
Assessment of the Sudan DDR Programme (SDDRP) reintegration (R) Intervention in terms of its contribution to facilitating transition and integration of ex combatants.
From Civilians to Soldiers and from Soldiers to Civilians, Mobilization and Demo
This documents aims to provide a complex and in depth analysis of mobilization processes in armed groups and the dynamics that affect individual involvement in armed groups. It argues that there is a need to move beyond technical discussions on DDR and that programming should be better informed by an analysis of the dynamics of post-conflict security and how stakeholders can influence and impact on these.
Sustainable Reintegration of Ex-combatants: Shadow economies and Cross Border t
This note draws on a variety of studies and experiences to highlight the need for DDR practitioners to understand the significant role that informal and shadow trade often plays in societies in transition from conflict and the importance of considering this during programme design.
Reintegration and Reconstruction in post war South Sudan
Highlights the International Peace Support Training Center’s contribution to the understanding of the conflict in Southern Sudan. Reintegration of ex combatants is one of the issues addressed
Blame It on the War? The Gender Dimensions of Violence in DDR
Comprehensive exploration of issues related to gender dimensions of violence in post conflict settings and their importance for DDR programmes. Emphasises the importance of understanding male and female changing gender identities and roles in society - often impacted by conflict.
No Place by the Fire: The story of South African ex-combatants and the National
A case study exploring the return and reintegration of ex-combatants in South Africa after the end of apartheid, offering a discussion of pitfalls, opportunities and challenges faced in terms of the provision of support in a post conflict setting
The drivers of reporter reintegration in Northern Uganda
This study carried out amongst LRA ex-combatants analyzes the drivers of reintegration of XCs in Northern Uganda - including those directly and indirectly linked to the DDR process. It highlights the importance of kinship networks as one of the main drivers of reintegration and challenges faced by female ex-combatants
Rumours of Peace, Whispers of War: Assessment of the reintegration of ex-combata
Assessment of the reintegration of XCs into civilian life in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri DRC. Includes a fairly detailed overview of the context in which DDR was attempted. Interesting commentary and recommendations on issues related to the absorption of some ex-combatants into new military structures (and why it may have failed) and the use/utility of reinsertion kits provided to ex-combatants.
Assessing the Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in the Context of Instability and I
Drawing on CAR, DRC and South Sudan as Case Studies the paper explores issues related to economic reintegration. Comparative analysis drawn identifies the fact that in many post conflict settings informal economic activity provides the bulk of opportunities for ex-combatants and the general population.
A Framework Document for Evidence-Based Programme Design on Reintegration
Explores and presents a conceptual framework for working with evidence in the design of reintegration programs to support efforts towards greater local impact at field level.
Regional Security in the post-Cold War Horn of Africa
Attempts to study the political decision making processes, personalities and historical experiences and to identify issues of intra-state politics and patterns of internal insurgency in the Horn of Africa
Social Development Notes: Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence in Situat
A summary of the issue of sexual and gender based violence in unstable settings, particularly during and after conflict. Includes discussion of the importance of engaging with armed groups when developing prevention strategies.
World Development Report 2011 Security, Conflict and Development
This report comprehensively explores the changing nature of violence in the 21st century. The report draws on comparative analysis to explore how countries might successfully manage to transition away from repetitive violence. There is much that will be of interest to DDR Practitioners.
The Post-Amnesty Programme in the Niger Delta: Challenges and Prospects
Critique of the Niger Delta Amnesty process - the paper explores the perceived benefits of the programme (including a rise in oil production and fall in kidnappings) as well as challenges associated with eligibility and exclusion criteria and the impact of perceived benefits to militants on other at risk and vulnerable groups including unemployed youth.
Who Owns the Sahara? Old Conflicts, New Menaces: Mali and the Central Sahara bet
Detailed analysis of the background to the Malian conflict from the context of both local dynamics and regional dynamics (including AQIM, organised crime and instability in Libya). Explores in depth the role of ECOWAS and the AU as well as international actors. No specific mention of DDR but highlights the importance of in depth regional and local analysis and cross border responses to tackle issues.
Stakeholders of Libya's February 17 Revolution
USIP report analysing armed groups in Libya in late 2011. Document charts rise of divisions amongst revolutionary brigades based on tribe, region and political and religious affiliation.
Improving Security in Violent Conflict Settings: Security & Justice Thematic Pap
This comprehensive but succinct report explores issues related to violence and conflict in complex settings , highlighting clearly the blurred lines across which many development and stabilisation programmes have to operate. It contains an in depth analysis of DDR objectives and considers why 'traditional' DDR responses are inadequate / insufficient to deal with many of the situations in which they are often called for.
Disarming Youth Combatants: Mitigating Youth Radicalization and Violent Extremis
This article explores the complex push and pull factors behind recruitment and participation in civil conflict (including re-recruitment). It argues that as part of disarming youth combatants, the linkages between reintegration outcomes and possible re-recruitment into radical and extremist
Football and Post-War Reintegration: exploring the role of sport in DDR process
Using a case study on Sierra Leone, this paper focuses on the potential role of sports in DDR to determine how ex-youth combatants, camp administrators and caregivers perceive the role and significance of sporting activities in interim care centers (ICCs) or DDR camps.
Challenges of Security Sector Governance in francophone West Africa
Provides a useful background and analytical framework that can support the implementation of the ECPF, which has security as one of its key components For further related documents, please follow the link below -
Bearing witness, Girl Mothers of Gulu District
This case study highlights the reintegration challenges faced by female LRA ex-combatants who had been forcibly recruited by the LRA in northern Uganda and considers the implications for policy and programmes - including for those designing Transitional Justice initiatives.
DDR in the Democratic Republic of Congo: An Overview
Assess the effectiveness of disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo which were carried out under the Multi- Demobilisation and Reintegration programme (MDRP) between 2002 and 2009
Moving to Catch up: Migration of Ex-Combatants in Uganda Ex combatants migration
Report analysing mobility and migration among ex-combatants and push and pull factors in the Uganda context - considers implications for policy and programming.
Uganda Demobilization and Reintegration Project Beneficiary Assessment
Document reports findings of this project review. Includes a useful description of a four dimensional approach to assessing the success of reintegration efforts exploring factional, political, economic and social dimensions. Explores particular challenges faced be female ex-combatants in social reintegration and factors driving this.