An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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High Level Retreat on the Operationalization of the Peace Fund.

High Level Retreat on the Operationalization of the Peace Fund.

January 11, 2020 to January 12, 2020
High Level Retreat on the operationalization of the Peace Fund

Theme: “Securing predictable and sustainable financing for peace in Africa.”

During the 35th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) held in July 2019, the African Union Executive Council adopted a decision for a Retreat be held before the February 2020 Summit, to take stock of the status of operationalization of the Fund and agree on the medium term strategic funding priorities for the AU Peace Fund. To implement the decision of the AU policy organ, the African Union Commission is convening the High Level Retreat on the operationalization of the African Union Peace Fund. The retreat will include the following stakeholders:

  • AU Peace and Security Council;
  • The Bureau of the Permanent Representatives Committee;
  • The Board of Trustees and Executive Management Committee of the AU Peace Fund;
  • The Chair of the Sub-committee on General Supervision Budget and Administrative;
  • The AU High Representative for Financing the Union and the Peace Fund:
  • The Chairperson of the Committee of Fifteen Finance Ministers (F15)
  • The Chair of the Sub-Committee on Audit Matters.

Topic Resources

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