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Statement of the African Union Commission Deputy Chairperson, H.E. Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa at the Launching of Africa Single Electricity Market

Statement of the African Union Commission Deputy Chairperson, H.E. Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa at the Launching of Africa Single Electricity Market

June 03, 2021

Excellencies Commissioners; AUC,
Honourable Ministers,
Excellency Mrs. Kadri SIMSON, EU Commissioner for Energy,
Excellency Ambassador Birgitte MARKUSSEN, EU Ambassador to AUC,
Dr. Kevin Kariuki, Vice President of AfDB,
Excellency Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, CEO, AUDA-NEPAD,
CEO/Representatives of the Regional Economic Communities,
Representative of UNECA, UNDP, UNIDO,
Representatives of Development Partners,
Distinguished participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen;

1. I am delighted and grateful for your presence today with us to witness the launch of one of AU high priority initiatives that is the Africa Single Electricity Market (AfSEM). The ultimate goal of the AfSEM is to achieve an interconnected market, one with convergent wholesale electricity prices across the continent.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

2. Electricity, as we all know, is the key driver and prerequisite for Africans’ well-being, for economic growth of our economies, for ensuring modern health and education services, for promoting industrialisation and digitalisation and for creating employment for our rapidly growing youthful population.

3. The electricuty supply value chain provides multiple entry points and pathways for advancing Africa’s transformative Agenda 2063, green economy, resilient and smart post Covid-19 economic recovery and sustainable continental, regional and National socioeconomic development.

4. Our teams at AUC have been and still are working round the clock in collaboration with our partners, Global and Continental stakeholders to implement programs that harness Africa’s abundant energy resources to ensure modern, efficient, reliable, and sustainable energy for all African households, businesses, industries and institutions.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

5. AFSEM launch is an important milestone which took us long to reach. Yet the biggest test is going to be its implementation. The beginning of the implementation stage and the success of AfSEM depend on the political will and commitment of AU Member States. We would therefore solicit your Excellencies; the Ministers for Energy to fully support the operationalization of the single electricity market.

6. In the same vein we call on all our Member States and our Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to mainstream AfSEM and Continental Power Masterplan (CMP) into their national and regional development plans. It is important that our African countries take ownership in the development and implementation of this continental initiative.

7. We also count on AfSEM Governance Organs to spearhead a robust advocacy campaign to popularize and sensitize the public and investors on the unique opportunity that AfSEM offers for the development of African economies and citizens.

8. AfSEM implementation stage needs to be supported strategically, technically and financially. We therefore call upon Africa’s friends and partners to continue lending their support to this initiative going forward.

9. I would like here to take this opportunity to particularly thank the European Union for being our close partner in this major project since its inception in 2015. Our thanks also go to our Development partners; AfDB, World Bank, KFW, EIB, AFREXIM and others. Your continued support will be needed to help expedite the implementation of AFSEM.

10. Finally, I would like to reiterate the commitment of the African Union to fast track this important continental initiative. And with this remarks, I am deeply honored to officially launch the Africa Single Electricity Market.

Thank you.

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