An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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The Joint Labour Migration Program (JLMP) for Africa formally is a project which was adopted in January 2015 by African Heads of State and Government as a comprehensive programme on labour migration governance for the region. It is implemented jointly by the African Union Commission (AUC), the ILO, the IOM and the UNECA.

The AU-led initiative is the first global initiative focused on supporting effective implementation of human mobility rules as key to development and integration in the increasingly significant Regional Economic Communities (RECs).

The Joint Programme is built as a strategic regional intervention to leverage migration for development. The JLMP is also a creative work to achieve the key dimensions of the programme regarding the protection of the rights of migrant workers: portability of skills; portability of social security benefits; and fair recruitment practices.


March 09, 2023


March 09, 2023

The Director, ILO

Director of the Special Liaison Office, IOM

July 25, 2022

تم إطلاق مشروع الإجراءات المحفزة (للبرنامج المشترك للاتحاد الأفريقي ومنظمة العمل الدولية ومنظمة الهجرة الدولية واللجن

November 10, 2021

Representatives of partners implementing the AUC-IOM-ILO-ECA Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) met virtually on

JLMP poised to expand support to labour migration governance in Africa
April 05, 2021

Joint Programme on Labour Migration Governance for Development and Integration in Africa (JLMP) on March 30 convened its fourth Programme Steering Committee (PSC) meeting that was hosted by the African Union Commission’s Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs & Social Development (HHS) ...

Statement from the Labour Migration Advisory Committee on the Occasion of the Commemoration of International Migrants Day
December 18, 2020

Today, on 18 December 2020, the world is celebrating International Migrants Day, adopted to mark the UN Convention on

February 10, 2022

The launch will be during the 5th JLMP Programme Steering Committee Meeting. The JLMP Steering Committee was established to provide strategic guidance and ensure efficient implementation of the Programme and projects developed within the broader JLMP.

May 02, 2018 to May 04, 2018

Les résultats attendus sont:
• Règles et procédures du Comité adoptées

October 16, 2017 to October 21, 2017
August 24, 2017 to August 25, 2017
May 04, 2016 to May 06, 2016
Meeting of Regional Economic Communities in Preparation for the Africa-EU Summit on Migration, Accra, Ghana
September 16, 2015 to September 18, 2015

16-18 September 2015: Meeting of Regional Economic Communities in Preparation for the Africa-EU Summit on Migration, Accra, Ghana

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