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AUEOM concluded a successful observer orientation programme and met with key stakeholders in Niamey, Niger

AUEOM concluded a successful observer orientation programme and met with key stakeholders in Niamey, Niger

February 19, 2016

Niamey, Niger, 18th February 2016 – The AU Election Observation Mission in Niger concluded a 2 days orientation and briefing programme aimed at empowering its 40 continental short-term observers with tools and information that will ensure their successful deployment and engagement throughout the various electoral zones during the parliamentary and presidential elections to be held on 21 February 2016.
During the programme, the observers, drawn from the Permanent Representatives’ Committee (PRC), the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), Election Management Bodies (EMBs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) were briefed on Continental and International legal instruments and observation standards that will allow them to successfully conduct their observation mission and efficiently report their findings on the day of the Elections while preserving neutrality.

The observers were briefed and interacted with representatives of key national stakeholder, namely: The President of the Superior Commission on Communication of Niger; The Deputy Secretary General as well as the Rapporteur of the National Independent Electoral Commission; Representatives of most electoral Candidates and Civil Society Organisations. The session provided an opportunity to discuss current electoral guidelines and best practices as well as to identify challenges and concerns in regards to the overall electoral campaigning and voting processes.

The Head of the AUEOM in Niger H.E. Jean Eyeghé Ndong, former prime Minister of Gabon, held audience with key stakeholders in the country with aims to gather as much information on the conduct of the electoral campaigns and get insight on the upcoming elections. Among others, he met with: The Prime Minister of Niger; The Minister of Justice acting as Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Minister of Interior acting as Minister of Defence Niger; The President of the Constitutional Court. He also held bilateral meetings with The Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps in Niger, The US Ambassador based in Niamey; The European Union Permanent Representative;

In that context, he briefed the AUC Commissioner for Political Affairs, H.E Dr Aisha Laraba Abdullahi, who arrived in Niger on 18 February 2016 to oversee and ensure the proper deployment of the AUEOM. The observer teams will be dispatched across the country starting 19 February 2016 until 22 February 2016.

The objective of the AUEOM is to make an independent, objective and impartial assessment of the Presidential, Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Niger in accordance with the national, regional and international standards in view to reinforce and consolidate the democratic aspirations of the country and its people.

For further information, please contact:
AUEOM coordinator
Guy Cyrille Tapoko: + 227 89 39 17 55 | Email at:
Democracy and Electoral Assistance Unit (DEAU) | Department of Political Affairs | AUC

For Media information, please contact:
Michael Fikre Merid: +227 89 39 17 51 | Email:
Directorate of Information and Communication | AUC

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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