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African Union Commission celebrates achievements of the African women scientists and signs contracts for research grants

African Union Commission celebrates achievements of the African women scientists and signs contracts for research grants

December 17, 2012

Addis Ababa, 17th December 2012: In context of its commitment toward development of science, technology and innovation in Africa, the African Union Commission (AUC), honours the achievements of the African women scientists, through its "African Union Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards", and signs grants for (11) research proposal in areas of science and technology. This was at a ceremony organized the Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST), on 17th December 2012, at the New Conference Complex, AU Headquarter, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,

In his opening remarks, H.E. Prof. Jean Pierre Ezin, AU Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, emphasised on the strong need for Africa to popularize science, technology and innovation among its citizens, empower them, celebrate their achievements and promote all efforts to transform scientific research into economic growth.

He appraised the 8th Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space of the EU-Africa strategic partnership, which achieved among others, the critical two projects: Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards and the Research Grants Project. He also commended the focusing of the awards, in its regional level, on the African women noting that "In Africa, women are seriously under-represented, in science, mathematics and engineering fields, and yet, they make up to more than 50% of our continent’s population".

Being a key contributor to socio-economic development, the Commissioner urged for increasing investment and funding for science and technology, adding that "We have to explore various possible and alternative sources of funding in order for us to approach research sustainably, particularly sustaining these two critical actions: The Scientific Awards and the Research Grant Programmes".

H.E. Ambassador Gary Quince, Head of Delegation of European Union to African Union said that "we are very pleased to be able to work with the African Union Commission on the AU Research Grants Program", which focuses on science and technology as a catalyst for sustainable development and aims to build up a network of intra-Africa and international research cooperation. He hopes that the grants are first step in what will become an African R&D Continental Programme.
The EU Ambassador recalled that AU Research Grants Program signed in March 2012, the first set of nine research programmes. "This time we are able to support 11 research programmes in the areas of i) Post-Harvest and Agriculture, ii) Renewable and Sustainable Energy, and iv) Water and Sanitation for a total amount of €7M." He added.

Dr. Abdul-Hakim Elwaer, HRST Director said in his opening remarks the Research Grants Project was formulated as one of the lighthouse projects identified among the early deliverables in Partnership No.8 of the EU-Africa Joint Strategy and its Action Plan. He added that the Commission has undertaken a very rigorous assessment exercise to select the 11 beneficiaries of the research grants from all over the continent.

The 2012 edition of the African Union Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards recognized the successful women laureates from the Northern, Western and Central Regions implemented respectively by ASRT, ECOWAS and ECCAS:-
1- Central Regional Laureate for Life and Earth Sciences Section :
Prof. Francine Ntoumi, chair and Head of Research of the Congolese foundation for Medical Research , Research Group leader, Institute for Tropical Medicine, University of Tubingen (Germany).
2- Western Region Laureate for Life and Earth Science Sector
Prof. Matilda Steiner-Asiedu Abakai, Associate Professor in Nutrition and head of Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana.
3-Northern Regional Laureates for Life and Earth Science Sector
Prof.Dr. NAzek Abdellatif Elguidi, Head of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University.

4-Northern Region Laureate for Basic Science, Technology and Innovation Sector
Prof.Nadia Kandile, Professor of Applied Organic chemistry, Chemistry Department Faculty of Women AIN Shams University, Cairo.

It is worth noting that In January 2007, the African Union Heads of State and Government declared 2007 as the launching year for building constituencies and champions for science, technology and innovation in Africa”. In response to this political momentum and commitment, the African Union Commission launched the prestigious Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards Programme that runs with a core budget of USD1.1 million with main goal to popularize science and technology among African citizens. It honours the achievements of young researchers at the national level, women scientists at the regional level and pioneer scientists at the continental level

African Union Research Grant is designed to mobilize African scientific excellence and to promote both intra-Africa and international collaboration in scientific research in priority areas articulated in the Africa’s Consolidated Plan of Action for Science and Technology. The programme innovatively brings together African researchers to form supranational networks and scientific research consortia. The programme has a total budget of 14.7 million Euro, through the Financing Agreement of the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Envelop.

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