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African Union Commission, the Republic of Kenya and Japan sign MoU for Cooperation on the Pan African University at the margins of the AU Summit

African Union Commission, the Republic of Kenya and Japan sign MoU for Cooperation on the Pan African University at the margins of the AU Summit

January 29, 2014


African Union Commission, the Republic of Kenya and Japan sign MoU for Cooperation on the Pan African University at the margins of the AU Summit

Addis Ababa, 29 January 2014 - The development of the Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences Technology and innovation (PAUSTI) is the subject of the tripartite memorandum of understanding signed between the African Union Commission represented by H.E. Dr. Martial De Paul Ikounga, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology; the Government of the Republic of Kenya represented by H.E. . Amina MOHAMED, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs; and the Government of Japan represented by H.E. Mr. Norio MITSUYA, Parliamentary Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, on 29th January 2014.The ceremony was presided over by Dr Beatrice Njenga, Head of Education at the AUC.

The Pan African University (PAU) is a new generation university implemented across the African continent, aiming at revitalizing higher education and research in Africa. The PAU will provide an exemplar for excellence in higher education and research for the development of high caliber youthful human capital and generation of knowledge products for Africa's social and economic development in the African continent.

PAUSTI is one of the five thematic hubs of the Pan African University, and is hosted at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya, where the government of Kenya has demonstrated political and financial commitment in ensuring its successful operationalisation. Japan has been a long term sponsor of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, and is therefore well placed to extend its support to PAUSTI. Under the tripartite MOU, support from Japan will include technical support that will include staff training and provision of scientific equipment.

In his remarks during the signing of the MoU, H.E. Commissioner Ikounga pointed out the centrality of PAUSTI within the PAU network, because Innovation is a transversal skill that will be part of the branding of the PAU, as it is necessary for ensuring that PAU achieves its mission of contributing to Africa's vision of prosperity through the harnessing of sciences and technology.
The tripartite agreement becomes effective immediately for a period of five years.

For further information contact
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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