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Second Extra-Ordinary Session of Comedaf VI Bureau, Kigali, Rwanda

Second Extra-Ordinary Session of Comedaf VI Bureau, Kigali, Rwanda

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February 08, 2015

Press Release Nº30/2015


Kigali, Rwanda – 8th February 2015: The second extra-ordinary session of the Bureau of the Conference of Ministers of Education of the African Union (COMEDAF VI) was held in Kigali, Rwanda on the 8th of February 2015. The meeting was called so that COMEDAF could contribute to the Africa position on the global post 2015 Education Programme. Moreover, UNESCO had also called a meeting for Ministers of Education in Sub-Saharan Africa to meet from 9th to 11th February 2015, and the African Union Commission is keen to ensure that the outcome of the UNESCO meeting will represent all Africa geographically and politically. The meeting was open to all Ministers of Education present, and was indeed very well attended.
Objectives of the extra-ordinary COMEDAF VI Bureau session were as follows:
1. Provide the continental perspective on education development, taking into account the AU Decisions on the COMEDAF VI report, the Common Africa Position and Agenda 2063.
2. Enable these important decisions and perspectives to be taken on board in the discussions, and also contribute to the development of the post 2015 Education strategy for Africa.

In his remarks, H.E Dr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga, the Commissioner for HRST expressed appreciation for the Ministers present and the Member States represented and recalled that the Second Decade of Education for Africa, which the Member States adopted in 2006, was coming to an end 2015. He said that the African Strategy for Education 2016 - 2025 should be prepared and submitted to African Union Heads of State and Government for adoption before 2016. He reiterated the importance of Africa continuing to speak with one voice as was done in developing the Common African Position and the Agenda 2063. He stressed the fact that education is perhaps the most important tool to help unlock the potential in Africa’s human and natural resources, to ensure peace and prosperity.

Meeting participants underscored the importance of recording all success stories,needs and and challenges expressed during the meeting and advised that these be considered in the development of the continental strategy for education 2016 – 2025. The meeting further called upon Africa to invest in education and develop pedagogical approaches to strengthen the spirit of pan Africanism and mutual responsibility among young people. The meeting emphasized the urgency for Africa to establish a harmonized education management information system (EMIS), giving the continent the ability to effectively evaluate education, compile sustainable data and use it to inform education policy and practice.

In his closing remarks, the HRST Commissioner, HE Dr Martial Paul De Ikounga, thanked the COMEDAF VI bureau for their commitment and the commitment of the government of Rwanda for their support in hosting this meeting. He looked forward to continuing the partnership with UNESCO to take a strong African position to the global forum on education in Incheon, Korea in May 2015, with the ultimate intention to influence the Global Sustainable Development Goals in New York in September 2015.


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