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15th PATTEC Coordinators Meeting

15th PATTEC Coordinators Meeting

November 28, 2016 to November 29, 2016
Participants of the 15th PATTEC Coordinators Meeting with Director of Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa (4th from the right on the first line)

The 15th National PATTEC Coordinators’ meeting was held from 28th – 29th November 2016 at Africa Union Commission Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. About 70 participants composed of National PATTEC Coordinators and focal points from 25 African Countries, representatives of international organizations, research institutions, private and public partners attended the opening ceremony of the 15th PATTEC National Coordinators’ meeting.

Participants of the 15th PATTEC Coordinators Meeting with Director of Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa (4th from the right on the first line)
Welcome remarks were made by the Director General of the National Institute for Control and Eradication of Tsetse and Trypanosomosis (NICETT) in Ethiopia, Dr. Dagnachew Beyene, the Acting PATTEC Coordinator, Dr. Gift Wiseman Wanda, the IAEA Director (TCAF), Division of Africa, Dr. Shaukat Abdulrazak. In his remarks, Dr. Abdulrazak, re-affirmed IAEA’s support to AU-PATTEC and pledged continued provision of technical assistance in the application of sterile insect technique (SIT) towards countries’ efforts to create tsetse free zones. He further highlighted the past and ongoing IAEA activities in T&T affected countries including Zambia, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Swaziland, Chad, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Zanzibar.

The meeting was officially opened by the Director of Rural Economy and Agriculture, Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa, representing the Commissioner for Rural Economy and agriculture, H.E. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace. In his opening remarks he underscored the need to develop T&T intervention programmes within the broader context of rural development and in alignment to the overarching initiatives such as Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods and Agenda 2063. The Director noted that the identification of sustainable funding mechanisms for T&T programmes underpins long term success in the removal of the T&T scourge and urged the meeting to focus on resource mobilisation strategies.

The Ag. PATTEC Coordinator emphasized on the need for increased investments in T&T intervention activities and appealed to the meeting to identify sustainable funding mechanisms for T&T programmes. After reports made by country representatives, the international partners made presentations on their activities and reaffirmed their support to the PATTEC initiative.

The 15th PATTEC National Coordinators' meeting made the following recommendations:

• The meeting commended IAEA for its continued support to PATTEC. The meeting further noted that IAEA’s commitment to PATTEC is demonstrated through annual General Assembly Resolutions that re-affirm the organization’s support to PATTEC. The meeting appreciated the presence of the IAEA Director for Technical Cooperation, Africa Region at the 15th PATTEC Coordinators’ meeting. Consistent with this support, the meeting urged PATTEC to identify specific costed activities which should be submitted to IAEA for technical support. The meeting proposed that the activities should include M&E, resource mobilization, capacity building and advocacy.

• The meeting noted that reports presented by countries using the format provided by AU/PATTEC enabled the identification of common SWOTS. This development provides the opportunity for concerted action towards Regional Projects. The meeting recommended to promote the PATTEC objective of concerted action and that efforts should be made to develop Regional Projects that would promote area-wide pest management involving groups of countries.

• Reports from International Organizations confirmed their goodwill and their preparedness to support the PATTEC initiative. It was however revealed that some administrative bottle-necks at the African Union have prevented the maximization of the resources provided by international organizations. The meeting recommended that the African Union should review the status of personnel put at the disposal of AU/PATTEC and resolve outstanding issues.

• The meeting observed that the way forward for PATTEC in the realization of its vision was not clear and that this represents a handicap for progress. The meeting recommended that there should be an extensive overhaul of the PATTEC strategy with a view to ensuring that set targets are met within the shortest possible time

• The country reports do suggest a serious challenge with regard to resource mobilization. This is manifested in the low level of T&T interventions. The meeting recommended that AU/PATTEC in partnership with Member countries should embark on an intensive sensitization (Advocacy) of national and international policy makers and revive the Policy and Resource Mobilization Committee. The meeting further recommended that the AU-PATTEC should follow up on past pledges made by resource partners and Member States.

• The meeting noted that it has been a long time since the PATTEC Initiative declaration was made. The meeting further noted that currently there are many new decision makers and politicians who may not be familiar with the PATTEC initiative intervention due to lack of awareness. The meeting recommended that it is high time the AUPATTEC took charge to sensitize new office bearers at the levels of Head of States and ministers to support member states plans towards increased commitment and momentum.

• The meeting commended the AU-PATTEC Coordination Office and other partners for taking the lead in identifying potential regional programmes. It was however noted that for most of these proposed programmes, resources have not been identified. It is therefore recommended that AU-PATTEC in collaboration with International Technical partners should assist and coordinate countries to formulate new bankable Regional programs. It was further recommended that to increase their competitiveness, the proposals should aim to address issues beyond T&T and should include continental and global initiatives such as Agenda 2063, Malabo Declaration, Gender mainstreaming, Climate change resilience and Sustainable Development Goals to attract funding.

• Recognizing the dwindling funding situation available to finance PATTEC activities, the meeting recommended that next AUPATTEC action items be prioritized, especially in advocacy at the level of the AUC to ensure that the incoming commissioners are adequately informed on PATTEC including achievements and future direction of the initiative.

• The progressive pathways and roadmaps approach is being successfully used for the control of FMD, PPR and rabies. An initiative has been recently launched by FAO and partner organizations for the adaptation of the approach to AAT control and elimination. The participants recommended the support of AU-PATTEC, countries and international organizations to this initiative.

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