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The African Union Commission (AUC) holds a Special Mining Dialogue in Yaounde

The African Union Commission (AUC) holds a Special Mining Dialogue in Yaounde

August 08, 2018

Yaounde, Cameroon 8 August 2018 - The African Union Commission (AUC) organized a Special Mining Dialogue in Yaounde from 8-10 August 2018 with the purpose of organizing the Mining Private Sector in the Central African Mining Jurisdictions to form their own Central Africa Mining Association.

The AUC is spearheading and sponsoring the establishment of the Continental Private Sector Association in the Minerals Sector in Africa known as the Association of Chamber of Mines and other Mining Associations in Africa (ACMMAA) with the aim of creating the voice of private sector in the Mineral Resources sector at relevant platforms in Africa and internationally. Amongst others this association will represent the voice of private sector in a Public Private Dialogue at Policy level at international Fora and Policy Organ meetings of organizations like the African Union (AU).

In order to be fully inclusive, the Association of Chambers of Mines and other Mining Associations of Africa (ACMMAA) has to be represented by organised Regional Private Sector Organisations in all mining jurisdictions, and has to be represented by at least 36 countries in Africa in order for it to obtain recognition at the AU. Sub-Regional Mining Associations like Eastern African Chamber of Mines and Extractive Industries (EACMEIA) in East Africa, ECOWAS Federation of Chamber of Mines (EFDCOM) in West Africa, Mining Industries Association of Southern Africa (MIASA) in Southern Africa and the African Women in Mining Association (AWIMA) have already joined ACMMAA.

The purpose of this meeting was to therefore establish a similar organization in the Central African Region so that they can become members of ACMMAA as Sub-Regional Associations. It is hoped that a Women in Mining Association for Central Africa will also be established.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Frank Mugyenyi, Head of Mining Unit of the Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission welcomed the participants and recalled the fact that trillions of dollars are sold in the mineral sector but they don’t come back to Africa. He added that Africa can stand on its own and develop its mineral sector in order to develop employment for the youth that are dying in thousands trying to cross the sea in search of green pastures abroad when the greener pastures are ib Africa's mineral resources. «But we cannot do that work without the Private Sector», he concluded.

The workshop was attended by the representatives of TChad, Central Africa Republic, Gabon, Congo Brazzaville, and Cameroon; interim committee members of ACMMAA, UNECA, Private sector and various members of Chambers of mines and association of mines in Africa.

For further information please contact:
Frank Mugyenyi | Head of Mining Unit DTI
E-mail: | Tel:+251115182958
Aminata Jeanne DIOP | Communication Associates DTI
E-mail: | Tel: +251984876962

Media inquiries should be directed to:

Mrs. Esther Azaa Tankou| Head of Information Division | African Union Commission | Tel: +251 (0) 911 36 11 85 | E-mail: |

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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