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The Pan African University Institute for Water and Energy Sciences including Climate Change awarded Masters’ Degrees to its 3rd cohort of Graduate students.

The Pan African University Institute for Water and Energy Sciences including Climate Change awarded Masters’ Degrees to its 3rd cohort of Graduate students.

October 01, 2018

Tlemcen, Algeria: On Monday, 1 October 2018: the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences, including Climate Change (PAUWES) held the graduation ceremony for its third cohort of Students who successfully completed two years of intensive training in the areas of Energy Engineering, Energy Policy, Water Engineering and Water Policy. The graduating class consisted of 79 students of which 14 were female students, all coming from 25 African countries. The graduation ceremony was held at at the Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen.
By awarding MSc. degrees to successful students, PAUWES is also contributing to the implementation of Agenda 2063 in that it made available highly qualified and motivated engineers and policymakers who could contribute to the socio-economic development of the continent. It should be underlined that these graduates completed their course work requirements, conducted practice-oriented research and completed internships in renowned institutions within and outside Africa.
The ceremony was graced by high ranking officials including the Rwandan Ambassador to Egypt representing the Chair of the Permanent Representatives Committee, H.E. Habimana Saleh, an AU delegation led by AU Commissioner for HRST, H.E. Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor, including PAU Interim Deputy Rector, Prof. Kassa Belay, The Wali (Governor) of Tlemcen, the German Ambassador to Algeria, H.E. Ulrike Knotz, the President of PAU Council, Prof. Pierre Dominique Nzinzi, the representative for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, GIZ representatives, the acting Rector of Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, the Director of PAUWES, and the Directors of other PAU Institutes namely PAUSTI and PAULESI. The ceremony was also attended by PAUWES staff and students and other invited guests.

This graduating cohort represents and fulfils one of the key objectives of the Pan African University (PAU) and PAUWES—which is to foster an African learning environment of the most qualified and motivated scholars while revitalising and nurturing the quality of African higher education.
The master of ceremony was the PAUWESS Director, Prof. Abdellatif Zerga and the ceremony was opened by the Acting Rector of the University Abou Bekr Belkaid of Tlemcen who delivered a welcome address. He was followed by H.E. Ms. Ulrike Knotz, German Ambassador to Algeria. In her address the German Ambassador advised graduates to maintain close links with each other and with the Pan African University. She further advised them to use the network they have created as well as the capacities they have acquired to create opportunities that will benefit themselves and their societies. She concluded her speech by wishing them all the best.
Taking the floor after the German Ambassador, H.E. Habimana Saleh, the Rwandan Ambassador to Egypt representing the Chair of the Permanent Representatives Committee expressed great joy for taking part in the PAUWES graduation ceremony. He hailed African Integration implemented through the creation of PAU. He said: “PAU is an important instrument for speeding African integration”. According to him, AU Heads of State and Government took the right decision when establishing PAU. He further opined that African integration is being fast tracked through initiatives like PAU and promised to be the spokesperson of PAU to other AU Member States.
Prof. NZINZI Pierre Dominique, President of PAU Council also addressed the audience and started by expressing gratitude for the warm welcome accorded to him in Tlemcen. He further noted that the PAUWES graduation ceremony is the second ceremony of this kind he attended since he was elected as the President of PAU Council. He assured the audience of his determination to always make PAU shine in Africa and beyond. He also congratulated the Rector of the University Abou Bekr Belkaid and the Director of PAUWES for the relevance of research works conducted at PAUWES. To graduands, who he considered as privileged students, he asked them not to do whatever is in their power to payback to society and contribute their fair share to the development of the continent.
The Wali (Governor) of Tlemcen welcomed all the guests to the city of Tlemcen, which he qualified as “a beautiful land with loving people and dignified cultural heritage wrapped in peace and security”. He added that he was proud of the achievements of the tripartite Algeria, African and German cooperation in the scientific research field and in developing careers. He ended his remarks by congratulating the graduates and wished them a successful career and safe journey back to their home countries.
H.E. Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor, AU Commissioner HRST was the last to take the floor and characterized the event as special. She also welcomed the presence of high ranking guests to the ceremony. She made a brief review of current PAU strategic policy in terms of research and publication and strategic planning and concluded by giving guidance to the graduates who she said as African products, they should be indebted to their continent. Finally, she advised them to “make each day (their) masterpiece for the development of our mother land, Africa”.
This diverse cohort of students has had the opportunity to be taught by international lecturers from four continents. In his remarks, Prof Abdellatif Zerga, Director of PAUWES, noted that with the full support and political commitment of the African Union and the proactive role the University of Tlemcen and the key and thematic partner (Germany), PAUWES is on the right track to become one of the best institutions in the continent in the areas of water, energy and climate change. He further stated that he is confident: “The students of the Class of 2018 are well positioned to become change agents in public administration, policy-making, research, technology, private enterprise, and civil society.”

PAUWES has just welcomed a new cohort of students for the 2018-2019 academic year. This new batch consisted of 62 students of which are 31 female students, and they have come from 29 African countries. This is an all-time record in terms of gender balance and country representation since PAUWES launched its activities.

For further information please contact:
Chancelle Bilampassi Moutsatsi

Further media inquiries should be directed to:
Mrs Wynne Musabayana | Deputy Head of Communication and Information Division | Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission | Tel: (251) 11 551 77 00 | Fax: (251) 11 551 78 44 | E-mail: | Web: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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