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AU Monthly Bulletin - March 2019

March 28, 2019
AU Monthly Bulletin | March 2019
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March 2019 Edition
USD 350,000 contribution to support disaster relief efforts in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi
On March 20th, the African Union announced its contribution of US$ 350,000 to three southern African countries worst hit by Cyclone Idai.

The funds are earmarked for Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi following the devastating effects of the cyclone, which resulted in the loss of life and livelihoods, displacement of people as well as destruction of infrastructure. A high level assessment of the AU Permanent Representative Committee’s (PRC) Sub-Committee on Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons was dispatched to assess the situation first-hand, and express solidarity with the governments and peoples of the three affected countries.
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AU and France strengthen their partnership
On 13th of March, AU Commission Chairperson Mr Moussa Faki Mahamat held wide ranging discussions with French President Mr Emmanuel Macron, during his visit to Ethiopia, with a view to reinforcing the already steadfast partnership between France and the AU.
From NEPAD to the African Union Development Agency ( AUDA NEPAD )
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordinating Agency (NEPAD) is now the African Union Development Agency (AUDA NEPAD).

The transformation is expected to position the AU to better serve African citizens through the implementation of high impact Agenda 2063 projects as well as other initiatives of the AU.

AUDA NEPAD's mandate is to: Co-ordinate the implementation of priority continental and regional projects; Strengthen the capacity of Member States and regional bodies to implement Agenda 2063; Monitor and evaluate the implementation of Africa’s development programmes; Resource mobilization for developmental programs and projects and; Support and coordination of AU technical institutions in the delivery of their mandates.
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Institutional Reforms - Leaner Structure for the AU Commission
The institutional reform sets out a comprehensive reform agenda that re-positions the AU to better meet the needs of its member states, and ensures impactful delivery of Agenda 2063. By 2021, elective positions at the AUC will be reduced from 10 to 8 and selection will be based on; regional and gender diversity; application of the principle of geographic rotation to each post; attracting and retaining Africa’s top talent; accountable and effective leadership and management; and transparent and merit-based selection.
Promoting good governance and democracy in Africa
In line with its mandate of promoting democracy and good governance on the continent, the AU Commission is developing a Political Party Strengthening Programme for AU Member States.
The initiative aims to strengthen political parties to effectively participate in Africa’s multiparty democracy; integrate women and youth groups; and work across party lines to identify common priorities, as well as support electoral reform.
Abandoning electoral practices such as voter intimidation, vote buying, and other disruptions of the election process that undermine citizen confidence in elections and democratic governance, will form part of the agenda of regional workshops to be held this year.​
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Africa’s first home grown governance report provides a comprehensive baseline to enhance governance on the continent
Launched in February, the Africa Governance Report (AGR)is a baseline study that will be used to establish a basis for the measurement, analysis, and projection of future trends as relates to governance on the continent.

The report focuses and provides recommendations on five key thematic areas namely: (a) transformative leadership, (b) constitutionalism and the rule of law, (c) peace, security and governance (Silencing the Guns), (d) the nexus of development and governance, and e) the role of the regional economic communities (RECS) in African governance.

The study was undertaken by the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), on behalf of the African Governance Architecture (AGA) platform.
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Promoting Transformative Leadership in Africa
To realise Agenda 2063, the quality of leadership in both the public and private sectors is essential to ensuring Africa achieves its transformational development goals. The 2019 Africa Capacity Report measures and provides insightful data as relates to the capacity of African countries to achieve their development objectives by addressing the capacity dimensions of transformative leadership. It highlights the leadership capacity gaps related to achieving sustainable development on the continent, and identifies strategies for addressing them. The report was launched by the Africa Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF).
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Update on the Ministerial Meeting on Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning & Integration
The 3rd Specialized Technical Committee on Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration was held in Yaoundé, Cameroon from 7 to 8 March 2019 under the theme: “Public Policies for Productive transformation”. The STC’s aim is to provide concrete policy actions and measures required for productive transformation for consideration and approval by the African Union Summit in June/July 2019.
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African Scientists honored for their contributions
The prestigious Kwame Nkrumah Awards for Scientific Excellence are awarded by the AU to African scientists for their achievements and valuable discoveries and findings in science, technology and innovation, and their contribution to Africa’s development.
The accolades, which are awarded at three levels i.e. national, regional and continental, cover two sectors (a) Life and Earth Science and innovation; and (b) Basic Science, Technology and Innovation.
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Financing Africa’s development through domestic resource mobilization
Twenty five (25) countries are at various stages of implementing the decision on Financing the Union. Of these, sixteen (16) countries are imposing the 0.2% levy on eligible imports to meet the financial obligations of the African Union. This not only demonstrates increased commitment by Africa to fund its own development agenda and reduce over reliance on foreign funding but further ensures the continental body has reliable, predictable and sustainable funding.​
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Trade observatory to serve as a repository of African trade related data
Trade data and statistics are critical to the exchange of goods and services across borders, as price and quality ...
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Non-Communicable Diseases Contribute to Most Deaths
Non communicable diseases (NCDs) such as high blood pressure (hypertension), cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus ...
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In Memoriam - Dr. René Kouassi; Africa lost a great economist
Africa lost one of its leading development economists, Dr. René N’Guettia Kouassi, Director of Economic Affairs of the African Union ...
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Remembering colleagues who perished in ET 302 air disaster
March 10th was a sad day for the African Union, the United Nations, the continent and the international community at large, when Ethiopian airlines flight 302 crashed ...
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African Union Monthly Bulletin

African Union Monthly Bulletin