Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security announces its 5 strategic pillars
Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security announces its 5 strategic pillars

The Commissioner of Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), Ambassador Bankole Adeoye has outlined 5 pillars of his strategic priorities. His vision is premised on accelerated and synergetic implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and the African Governance Architecture (AGA). This policy step builds on AU leaders’ political will for Africa’s Renewal driven by shared political values for a culture of sustainable peace and development, and is inspired by Agenda 2063 and the AU Institutional Reforms.
The Commissioner announced the pillars at a press briefing he held on the 15th of March 2021. Below are excerpts from the briefing.
The first pillar is to Re-energize AU Early Warning, Conflict Prevention & Mediation. A conflict-free Africa demands that the African Union (AU) invests in the tools of preventive diplomacy using the pragmatic approach to address new, emerging and specific existing threats. There are a number of approaches the Commissioner intends to deploy in this regard. One of them is to overhaul the operations of conflict-prevention mechanisms in the AU, for desired results through the pivotal roles of the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC), the Panel of the Wise, AUC Mediation & Dialogue focus, Master Roadmap on Silencing the Guns and the revitalized AU Peace Fund. “This should be situated in the desire to scale up collaboration with relevant Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional Mechanisms (RMs), to constantly engage relevant parties and stakeholders, towards resolution of the conflict. The interface between the AU, RECs and RMs would be beneficial to the vision of a peaceful and secure Africa”, said Amb. Bankole.
The second pillar is Integrated Capacity for Conflict Management & Resolution. Indivisibility of African Security rests firmly on the immediate operationalization of the Common African Defence & Security Policy and African Standby Force (ASF), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework for the AU Master Roadmap on Silencing the Guns as the pivot.
The third pillar is Strengthening Democracy & Good Governance. Taking AU ideals of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance from the normative context to actualization as policy while boosting the realization of the Aspirations of Agenda 2063 particularly 2, 3, 4, & 7 based on strong inter-linkages between the AfCFTA and the AU Protocol on Free Movement of Persons to achieve a politically integrated continent.
The fourth pillar is the Inclusive Smart Partnerships for Human Security i.e. Multi-stakeholder engagement, empowerment, networking and interaction by actively mobilizing support for effective dialogue-centred conflict prevention and resolution.
The fifth pillar related to the Strategic Coordination & Implementation Modalities. The Commissioner emphasized that for the consolidation of peace and democracy, AU Member States owned and led process should be the potent nucleus for progressive change in the APSA-AGA implementation, while Regional Economic Communities/ Regional Mechanisms (RECs/ RMs) serve as frontline responders. Safeguarding Peace and Security Council (PSC) dynamism, integrity of Member States and credibility of RECs/ RMs will ensure harmonization and complementarity in delivering PAPS initiatives based on an operational M&E/ Knowledge Management and AU Commission departmental coordination.
Watch the full press briefing @