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AU and EU Human Rights Dialogue updates the two parties on the situation of human rights in the two continents

AU and EU Human Rights Dialogue updates the two parties on the situation of human rights in the two continents

January 12, 2022

Following the Second AU-EU Ministerial meeting, which was held in Kigali on 26 October 2021 as part of preparations towards the Sixth EU-AU Summit, the two parties held their 17th AU) - EU Human Rights Dialogue on 09 November 2021. The virtual meeting was held in the context of their strategic partnership, which is rooted in shared values and common interests, and is guided by a long-term vision.

The Dialogue served as a platform to update one another on the situation of human rights in respective continents, with a focus on specific country situations, share experiences, exchange points of view and strengthen cooperation on specific human rights issues. Issues discussed include the COVID-19 pandemic, the African Human and Peoples’ Rights System, the abolition of the death penalty, women’s rights and gender mainstreaming, Transitional Justice, Business and Human Rights, electoral observation, the key role of civil society in the AU-EU Human Rights Dialogue, and the importance of having regular exchanges.

See the key outcomes at