An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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New Permanent Representative of the State of Libya Presents Credentials to AU Commission Chairperson

October 03, 2019

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 03 October 2019: The new Libyan Permanent Representative to the African Union, Amb. Juma Ibrahim Amer, presented today his Credentials to the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat.
The Chairperson and the newly appointed Permanent Representative exchanged views on the need for a central role for the AU in the resolution of the crisis in Libya, and other continental issues of mutual concern.

AU Commission hosts the Opening Ceremony of the 7th Africa Forum on Visual Impairment

October 07, 2019

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 7 October 2019: Representatives from African Union (AU) Member States officials, continental organizations for persons with disabilities, refugees, returnees and Internally Displace Persons (IDPs) with disabilities, disability federations, universities, rehabilitation experts and practitioners, policy makers, and civil society organizations are gathered today on the occasion of the 7th Africa Forum on Visual Impairment in Addis Ababa.

The African Union Commission held consultations with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the Island States on the Common African Position on Population and Development

September 04, 2019 to September 13, 2019

The African Union Commission held consultations with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the Island States on the Common African Position on Population and Development 

4-5 September 2019 Windhoek, Namibia and 12-13 September 2019 Antananarivo, Madagascar: 

The African Union Commission held consultations with the Island States on the Common African Position on Population and Development from 12-13 September 2019 Antananarivo, Madagascar. 

Discours de S.E.M. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine Au 5ème Forum investir en Afrique

de S.E.M. Moussa Faki Mahamat,
Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine

Au 5ème  Forum investir en Afrique :

«Tirer parti des partenariats pour promouvoir la diversification économique et la création d’emplois dans les économies africaines»

10-12 septembres 2019
Brazzaville, Congo

March 01, 2025

Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) - Continental Meeting on Harmonisation of ICT Policies and Regulations

September 05, 2019

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 5 September 2019: A Meeting to discuss ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) harmonisation in Africa, how to monitor and evaluate the progress and way forward to better adapt Africa policy and regulatory environment to the challenges of digital transformation has taken place in Addis Ababa this week.

Yokohama Declaration and the Action Plan 2019 Adopted.

August 30, 2019

Yokohama, Japan: 30th August, 2019: The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7) Summit, hosted by the Government of Japan, and co-organized by the African Union Commission (AUC), the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (UNOSSA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank began with consultations at the Senior Officials and Ministerial level on the 26th and 27th respectively, in preparation for Summit, which was held on the 28th to 30th August 2019.


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