An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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  • Event
    May 24, 2013



    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24 May 2013: In line with the African Union Celebrations of the 50th Anniversary, the National Group for Human Rights (NGHR) held a symposium on the third floor, small conference room 3 (new building) from 11:00- 1:00pm at the African Union Commission. The NGHR congratulated the OAU in its 50th Anniversary and commended the efforts of human rights groups in the country and further hoped that in the next 50 years the union and Africa will be developed beyond expectations.
    The symposium was carried out in order to stress the need and significance of women and child rights in Africa as a whole and Sudan in particular and also to shed some light on the progress and how far human rights institutions have come in terms of what they have been able to achieve in the areas concerning women and children.
    Speaking at the symposium, Dr Mustapha who is a consultant, women and child defender and paediatrician at the University of Khartoum and other universities called for “a united, safe and developed Africa in the coming years” and added that improvement of the welfare of women and children is necessary for development. Dr Mustapha also added that the protection of all human beings is important, but the protection and promotion of women and children’s rights should be at the forefront. She called for equal rights everywhere and the prevention of slave trade and child slavery.
    According to the Dr, Sudanese women are among the pioneers in Africa in their enjoyment of independent personality from men, in their empowerment in owning properties, conducting businesses and issuing all relevant decisions concerning their lives and they are among the few in Africa as far back as the fifties to enjoy voting rights in elections in the first free election after independence.
    In her statement she added that at the African regional level, Sudan is a party to the African Union constitutive Act which was adopted in the year 2000 at the Lome summit in Togo and entered into force in 2001.
    Also speaking at the symposium, Mrs Gamar Habani of the Faculty of Law at the University of Khartoum and an Advocate and Lawyer spoke on the issue of child rights. She said “The problem of child labour in Africa is still a big issue” and appealed for the end of the use of children as soldiers. She also added that the Child Right Units of the Armed Forces in Sudan aims at protecting children in peace and war settings.
    The next symposium will be held on the 26th of May at the same venue.

  • Event
    May 24, 2013


    Basketball Tournament held to celebrate OAU/AU golden jubilee

    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24th May 2013: As part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the African Union Commission (AUC), a basketball tournament was held today at the basketball courts of the AUC. The game was organized by Dr Benjamin, President of the African Union Commission Basketball club. The 1st game kicked off at 15:00.

    Although it rained heavily, it did not discourage the teams from playing the game. Three teams took part in the tournament:
     The African Union Team wore a red jersey.
     The Rwanda Team wore a navy blue jersey with white stripe.
     The Burundi Team wore a blue jersey with yellow stripe.

    The Burundi and Rwanda teams consisted of players who are students of the Defense University College (DUC) in Debre Zeit, a town lying Southeast of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.

    Rwanda beat Burundi 18-17in the first game. The 2nd round was between Burundi and the AU team; and Burundi won 41-38. The 3rd and final round was played by Rwanda and the AU team; the AU team won with a score of 33-19.

    However at the end of the tournament, everyone was a winner because each team was presented with a trophy. The Tournament ended at 19:30.

  • Event
    African Esthetics: An African / African Diaspora Collection of Fine Arts / Artifacts / Photographs - May 24 - 31, 2013
    May 24, 2013 to May 31, 2013

    African Esthetics: An African / African Diaspora Collection of Fine Arts / Artifacts / Photographs - May 24 - 31, 2013

  • Event
    Press Briefing of Dr Mustapha Sidiki Kaloko, Commissioner for Social Affairs of the African Union (AU)
    May 24, 2013



    Within the framework of the 21st AU summit, falling within the celebrations of the Golden Jubilee of the OAU-AU, Dr Mustapha Sidiki Kaloko, Commissioner for Social Affairs of the African Union (AU) will on Friday, 24 May 2013 at 16h00 hold a press briefing on the following:

    - Proudly African: Pan-Africanism and African Cultural Renaissance

    The briefing will be held in Briefing Room 1, at the new AU Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Journalists are invited to take part in the press briefing.

    Ms. Yaye N. Sène
    Directorate of Information and Communication
    Office : +251 115 182 568
    Cell : +251 913 45 31 13

  • Event
    May 24, 2013



    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24 May 2013: In line with the African Union Celebrations of the 50th Anniversary, the National Group for Human Rights (NGHR) held a symposium on the third floor, small conference room 3 (new building) from 11:00- 1:00pm at the African Union Commission. The NGHR congratulated the OAU in its 50th Anniversary and commended the efforts of human rights groups in the country and further hoped that in the next 50 years the union and Africa will be developed beyond expectations.
    The symposium was carried out in order to stress the need and significance of women and child rights in Africa as a whole and Sudan in particular and also to shed some light on the progress and how far human rights institutions have come in terms of what they have been able to achieve in the areas concerning women and children.
    Speaking at the symposium, Dr Mustapha who is a consultant, women and child defender and paediatrician at the University of Khartoum and other universities called for “a united, safe and developed Africa in the coming years” and added that improvement of the welfare of women and children is necessary for development. Dr Mustapha also added that the protection of all human beings is important, but the protection and promotion of women and children’s rights should be at the forefront. She called for equal rights everywhere and the prevention of slave trade and child slavery.
    According to the Dr, Sudanese women are among the pioneers in Africa in their enjoyment of independent personality from men, in their empowerment in owning properties, conducting businesses and issuing all relevant decisions concerning their lives and they are among the few in Africa as far back as the fifties to enjoy voting rights in elections in the first free election after independence.
    In her statement she added that at the African regional level, Sudan is a party to the African Union constitutive Act which was adopted in the year 2000 at the Lome summit in Togo and entered into force in 2001.
    Also speaking at the symposium, Mrs Gamar Habani of the Faculty of Law at the University of Khartoum and an Advocate and Lawyer spoke on the issue of child rights. She said “The problem of child labour in Africa is still a big issue” and appealed for the end of the use of children as soldiers. She also added that the Child Right Units of the Armed Forces in Sudan aims at protecting children in peace and war settings.
    The next symposium will be held on the 26th of May at the same venue.

  • Event
    May 23, 2013
  • Event
    May 23, 2013


    High resolution pictures available for download on AU Website

    The Directorate of Information and Communication would like to inform all media representatives that high resolution photos of the 21st Ordinary Session of the AU Summit and of the 50th OAU/AU anniversary are available for the use of media on the African Union Website at

  • Event
    May 23, 2013



    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 23 May 2013: In line with the framework of the 50th Anniversary of the African Union Commission (AUC), a technical advisers meeting of OAFLA (Organization of African First Ladies Against HIV/AIDS) is being held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at the African Union old building, from the 23- 24 May, 2013. The first ladies of Africa, as women and mothers, bring a unique passion, perspective and position to fight against HIV/AIDS. These leaders want to utilize their roles as first ladies and join forces with those responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa.

    Today’s meeting was attended by consultants and participants from different African countries including Namibia, Swaziland, Chad, Nigeria and a host of other countries. The Executive Secretary of OAFLA, Sonia Ndimbira opened the session by welcoming and thanking the participants for attending the event. Tigist Alemu, A consultant for OAFLA welcomed the participants and further highlighted that the technical advisers meeting is being held in order to contribute ways in which HIV/AIDS can be tackled both at the community, regional and national level.

    The advisors also tackled the question of where the continent wants to see OAFLA in the next five years in terms of what it wants to achieve by the aforementioned time. The improvement of the vision of the organization was also critically discussed, in terms of what distinguishes the organization from other organizations (uniqueness). Tigist Alemu stated that it is very important for OAFLA to carry out its activities diligently because, it is a life saving/ maintaining organization therefore, it is indeed crucial for the continent as a whole but specifically for those that are infected/ affected by HIV/AIDS.

    The goals of OAFLA were also discussed. They include the following:
    • Reducing new HIV Infections among the general population by promoting the prevention of mother-child-transmission (PMTCT) continuing education, information and communication (in school and out of school).
    • Reducing stigma and discrimination (mobilization support for People Living with HIV and AIDS orphans)
    • Increasing Anti retroviral Therapy (ART) coverage through universal access, mass drug production and the mobilization of the public for action.
    • The promotion of women’s rights and opportunities through campaigning for the elimination of gender based violence and also for the lobby of women’s small scale projects and entrepreneurs.
    • Reducing maternal and child deaths by promoting the benefit of immunization, integration of services and spouses support, the promotion of cancer screening and also the need to improve the nutritional status of mothers and their children was also stressed.

    On the 24th of May, 2013, the major common challenges will be identified and discussed by the consultants and participants. Possible solutions and recommendations will also be brainstormed in the session.

  • Event
    May 23, 2013



    Within the framework of the 21st AU summit, falling within the celebrations of the Golden Jubilee of the OAU-AU, the National Group for Human Rights, will on Thursday, 23rd May 2013 at 12h00 hold a press briefing on the following:

    - Women situation in Sudan
    - Peace process in Sudan

    The briefing will be held in Briefing Room 1, at the new AU Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Journalists are invited to take part in the press briefing.

    Mrs Abla Mahdi Abdel Maniem
    National Group for Human Rights
    Cell : +251 922 72 65 67

  • Event
    May 23, 2013

    Programme of Events

  • Event
    May 23, 2013

    $1M Grant to Fund Great Storytelling on Key African Issues

    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 23, 2013 - A new $1 million programme of reporting grants for African journalists will be launched in Addis Ababa on Sunday May 26 during African Union 50th anniversary celebrations. The African Story Challenge will award over 100 reporting grants for stories on development issues.

    The new competition will offer journalists grants to support investigative, multimedia and data-driven stories that aim to improve health and prosperity across the continent.

    Journalists chosen for the grants will come together for intensive sessions to improve their project ideas. Grantees who produce the best stories published or broadcast in media that reach African audiences will win cash prizes or a major international reporting trip.

    The Story Challenge is a project of the African Media Initiative (AMI), the continent’s largest association of media owners and operators. AMI content development director and Knight International Journalism Fellow Joseph Warungu is leading the project. The Knight Fellowships are administered by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ).

    "This new challenge will encourage journalists to experiment with new content ideas and find new ways to engage audiences through mobile technology, social media and other digital tools, “ said Warungu, a former BBC Africa Editor. “The awards will make a major difference in the number and quality of stories produced on health and development issues in Africa."

    AMI Chief Executive Amadou Mahtar Ba added, “It is essential to encourage and reward African journalists and news organisations that go the extra mile to deliver high-quality digital news and information to promote transparency, accountability and a higher quality of life for our citizens. We can reboot journalism in Africa by incentivizing stories that count.”

    The African Story Challenge will run in five themed cycles. Grant requests for stories focusing on agriculture and food security, the first theme, will be accepted from May 26 to June 14, 2013. Other themes will include health, business and technology.

    An international panel of editors and media experts will judge the entries. Contest details are available at and on the websites of AMI, ICFJ and the International Journalists’ Network (IJNet).

    The African Story Challenge is supported by an $800,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The programme also has support from the African Development Bank and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (Agra).
    ASC Press Release No 0010513
    For more information or to request an interview, kindly contact:

    Maimouna Jallow
    Senior Programme Manager, African Story Challenge
    Tel: + 254 788 279 091 /

    Joseph Warungu
    Editor, African Story Challenge
    Tel: +254-722-708-370,


  • Event
    May 23, 2013

    African Union Basketball Tournament for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of OAU/AU in Ethiopia the 24th May 2013 at AUC Basketball Complex at 14:00 PM

    Addis Ababa, 23 May 2013 - The African Union Basketball Club is organizing a Basketball Tournament for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU on the 24th May 2013 inside the AUC compound at 14:00 PM. The teams that agreed to come and play are Staff from Diplomatic Missions in Addis Ababa, AUC Staff and Students of the University of Debrezeit.

    “We do believe that this game is and will be one of the most exciting parts of the sports activities regarding the celebration of the 50th Anniversary so we do not want to pass on it” said the President of the AUCBBC, Dr Benjamin Djoudalbaye (DSA).

    The game will symbolize the opening meeting of friendly matches to be organized all along the year 2013-2014 dedicated for the 50th Anniversary to celebrate Pan Africanism and African Renaissance. These basketball teams invited will be displaying their talent and team work as a contribution to the success of this anniversary.

    The AUCBBC was created in 2009 with the objectives of playing basketball under the vision of unity, peace and solidarity. Actually the Team is constituted by 25 members form AUC and other Diplomatic Missions in Addis Ababa. The AUCBBC have the training usually every Saturday at 4:00 PM.

    Journalists are invited to cover the basketball match

    Attached is the draft program