Sudan and Ethiopia gear-up for Commemorative Football Match to Mark OAU/AU 50th Anniversary
23 May 2013, Addis Ababa:On 25 May 2013, 50 years after the founding of the Organization of the African Unity (OAU), the eyes of the continent will once again be focused on the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, to witness a commemorative friendly football match between the hosts, Ethiopia and invited guests, Sudan at the National Stadium.
The significance of selecting the two Nations to battle it out for the commemorative trophy stems from the fact that the two were among the four founding members of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), the governing body of African football. The other two founding members are Egypt and South Africa.
Since 2010, the AU and CAF have been using sport as a tool for development and peace across the continent includingthrough the “Make Peace Happen Campaign.” This longstanding partnership was formalized on 14 June 2012, after the two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to use the universal appeal of football as a platform to advocate and promote social change in Africa. Earlier this year, the twoorganizations kicked off activities to commemoratethe OAU/AU 50th Anniversary celebrations during the opening ceremony of the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations in Johannesburg.
Among the key guests expected to attend the friendly football match are Issa Hayatou, President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), Mustapha Sidiki Kaloko, AU Commissioner for Social Affairs, Kuma Demeksa, Mayor of Addis Ababa, Amin Abdurrahman, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia, Abdisa Yadeta, Ethiopian Commissioner for Sports, Mekonnen Addis, Chairman of the National Organizing Committee of the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU.
Saturday’s friendly football match, which is open to the public, is the flagship sports event for the celebrations among many others lined up across the continent to promote Pan Africanism and African Renaissance. These events also aim to rally the entire continent and diaspora behind a common unifying cause and towards setting a clear agenda for 2063 under the banner: ‘one Africa, for prosperity and peace.’
Within the framework of the 21st AU summit, falling within the celebrations of the Golden Jubilee of the OAU-AU, H.E. Mr Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission will on Thursday, 23 May 2013 at 16h00 hold a press briefing on the following:
- Africa 2063: financial independence of the AU
- Alternative sources of funding
- 50th Anniversary of the OAU-AUThe briefing will be held in the Small Conference Hall 4, at the new AU Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Journalists are invited to take part in the press briefing.
Ms. Yaye N. Sène
Directorate of Information and Communication
Office : +251 115 182 568
Cell : +251 913 45 31 13 -
Press release Nº26/21st AU Summit
Executive Council adopts the Strategic Plan and the 2014 budget of the AU
Addis Ababa, 23rd May 2013 –The Executive Council of the African Union (AU) meeting ahead of the 21st AU Summit adopted on 23rd May 2013 the Strategic Plan of the AU for the period 2014-2017 alongside with the year 2014 budget amounting 380 million USD, announced Mr Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission. Following consultations with Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and with the private sector, the Strategic Plan is meant to be inclusive and consultative in a bid to be people driven. It is scheduled to be submitted for adoption to the Heads of States during their 21st Ordinary Summit to be held from 26 to 27 May.
The Strategic Plan is constituted of eight priorities explained Mr Mwencha. It addresses challenges such as peace, stability and governance, growth and transformation, regional integration through the achievement of the Continental Free Trade Area by 2017, innovation, harnessing human and natural resources, mainstreaming women and youth to name but a few. With strong elements of monitoring and evaluation, the Strategic Plan has clear benchmarks so as to be efficiently assessed over the projection horizon.
Since Africa will be celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Organisation of the African Unity (OAU) and the AU in a few days’ time, Mr Mwencha also addressed the future of Africa in the next fifty years. That future should be captured and planned for in Agenda 2063. “It is agreed that, that exercise of preparation must be consultative and participatory. We should reach all Member States and key stakeholders to contribute to this agenda”. Tabled to be ready by May 2014, “the Agenda should drive the process of integration drawn from the legacy and inspiration of the founders of the OAU and be people driven. We are determined to take the AU to people for people to tell us what they want to do”.
To unleash Africa’s potential for 2063 and attain the envisaged change, the AU has established a panel tasked with finding alternative sources of funding for its activities. Led by former President of Nigeria, President Olusegun Obasanjo, the panel will submit a report to the Assembly for consideration and action.
The press briefing was live streamed. With about 400 journalists accredited daily press conferences will be organised and live streamed.
For more information, please visit the African Union website at and follow us on twitter (@_AfricanUnion) and Facebook.
Sudan and Ethiopia gear-up for Commemorative Football Match to Mark OAU/AU 50th Anniversary
23 May 2013, Addis Ababa:On 25 May 2013, 50 years after the founding of the Organization of the African Unity (OAU), the eyes of the continent will once again be focused on the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, to witness a commemorative friendly football match between the hosts, Ethiopia and invited guests, Sudan at the National Stadium.
The significance of selecting the two Nations to battle it out for the commemorative trophy stems from the fact that the two were among the four founding members of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), the governing body of African football. The other two founding members are Egypt and South Africa.
Since 2010, the AU and CAF have been using sport as a tool for development and peace across the continent includingthrough the “Make Peace Happen Campaign.” This longstanding partnership was formalized on 14 June 2012, after the two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to use the universal appeal of football as a platform to advocate and promote social change in Africa. Earlier this year, the twoorganizations kicked off activities to commemoratethe OAU/AU 50th Anniversary celebrations during the opening ceremony of the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations in Johannesburg.
Among the key guests expected to attend the friendly football match are Issa Hayatou, President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), Mustapha Sidiki Kaloko, AU Commissioner for Social Affairs, Kuma Demeksa, Mayor of Addis Ababa, Amin Abdurrahman, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia, Abdisa Yadeta, Ethiopian Commissioner for Sports, Mekonnen Addis, Chairman of the National Organizing Committee of the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU.
Saturday’s friendly football match, which is open to the public, is the flagship sports event for the celebrations among many others lined up across the continent to promote Pan Africanism and African Renaissance. These events also aim to rally the entire continent and diaspora behind a common unifying cause and towards setting a clear agenda for 2063 under the banner: ‘one Africa, for prosperity and peace.’
The press conference of Dr Benyam Dawit Mezmur, Chairperson of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child of the African Union, scheduled to take place on Thursday, 23rd May 2013 at 16h00 hold a press briefing on the following is postponed to Friday 24 May at 15h00.
Theme - Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance for an Africa Fit for Children
Objective – To highlight the role of the ACERWC, and take some stock of the state of children in Africa, and reflect on the way forward on issues such as the MDGs, post-2015 development agenda, birth registration, harmful practices, and the Day of the African Child for 2013 and 2014.
The briefing will be held in Briefing Room 1, at the new AU Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Journalists are invited to take part in the press briefing.
Ms. Yaye N. Sène
Directorate of Information and Communication
Office : +251 115 182 568
Cell : +251 913 45 31 13 -
AU Diaspora African Forum to hold an African Esthetics Exhibition
Addis Ababa, 23 May 2013: As part of the commemoration of the OAU-AU 50th Jubilee Celebration, the African Union Diaspora African Forum (AU DAF) in collaboration with the Rita Marley Foundation will launch an exhibition of African Diaspora collection of Fine Art and photographs Today, 23 May 2013, at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies in Addis Ababa University (AAU).
The opening ceremony will be attended by representatives from the African Union Commission (AUC), Ministers, Government officials, and other invited guest.
The Exhibition is expected to provide a platform to honor several countries and individuals for their remarkable track record of being actively involved in the Pan-African movement.
DAF Head of Mission and Founder, Ambassador Erieka Bennett will present awards to Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania for their willingness to accept and reintegrate members of the African Diaspora into their countries.
Her Excellency, Dr. Bennett, will also present awards to Malawian President Joyce Banda; Nigerian businessman Dr. Bamanga Tukur, and AU Chair, Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma, Ambassador Vincent Okobi, Former President of Zambia, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda for their tireless efforts towards the unification of the Africans at home and abroad by providing opportunities for returning Africans.
The exhibition, which will be on display until 31 May 2013, showcases a selection of artifacts and photographs, depicting the history of the Diaspora, from Ghana, Nigeria, Jamaica, United States, and Brazil
Journalists are invited to attend the ceremony at 6:00 pmNote to the Editors
The (AU) Diaspora African Forum Mission is an African Union endorsed non-governmental organization which was established in 2007. The Mission was born as a result of the recommendations of the African Union ad hoc Ministerial Committee that the AU should “invite and encourage the full participation of African in the Diaspora in the building of the African Union, in its capacity as an important part of the continent.”
The AUDAF Mission is the first diplomatic Diaspora mission established on the continent of Africa. Located in Accra, Ghana at the historical W.E.B. Dubois Center, the mission seeks to create opportunities to bridge communication barriers of Africans throughout the Diaspora and create opportunities to have meaningful and fruitful exchanges amongst the group. For more information on the organization and its activities please visit the website,
The African Union Executive Council opens with a call for a People Centred Union to achieve the Africa 2063 vision
Addis Abba 22 May 2013 –“We meet on the eve of the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU. Like in May 1963, the eyes of the continent and the world are focused on our activities and deliberations” Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, was speaking today, Wednesday 22 May 2013, while addressing the 23rdOrdinary Session of the Executive Council at theheadquarters of the African Union (AU), in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She noted that, “like in 1963 when the founding states took their first steps into political independence, in 2013 we see Africa taking off towards peace and prosperity”.
The opening ceremony took place in the presence of Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chairperson of the Executive Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; Mr. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the AUC, Mr. Carlos Lopes, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) ; AUC Commissioners, representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, AUC staff, and the invited guests.
Dr. Dlamini Zuma expressed satisfaction at the state of preparedness of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU), which she qualifies as memorable, people-centered, global, involving the young people , the women, and the Diaspora with a view to leaving a lasting legacy. “Through these celebrations we will reclaim the African narrative, as we reflect on the past, assess our present state and plan our future” she emphasized.
Year-long Anniversary activities to galvanise, mobilise and energize
The AUC Chairperson expressed appreciation of the fact that African Member States and the different sectors in the society have taken up the clarion call to organize commemorative activities in their respective countries through the year-long anniversary celebration of the OAU - AU. Global reflection and debates are ongoing on the theme of the 21st AU Summit: Pan Africanism and African Renaissance and on the Africa 2063 vision, across the continent and the Diaspora. According to Chairperson Dlamini – Zuma, “these debates by Africans from all walks reaffirm Pan Africanism as a guide to action and the foundations for Africa’s Renaissance”. She added that, “ as we reflect on the 50th Anniversary Proclamation, we must be mindful of the inputs from our people….We must be mindful of our people’s expectations that we should emerge from this Summit – as our Founders did in 1963 – with a mission that will unite Africa and set her on the path to peace and prosperity”.
Dr. Dlamini – Zuma expressed optimism on the fact that Africa’s natural resources, its unused arable land and water, its potential for energy generation, its long coastlines rich in marine resources, to name but a few are potentials to use in achieving the 2063 agenda.
Quoting the eminent Pan Africanist, President Kwame Nkrumah in his speech to the Founding meeting in May 1963, the AUC Chairperson said “Nothing will be of avail, except the united act of a united Africa”. She explained that “as we chart the mission of our generations for the next fifty years, we must learn from the past and guard against the difficulties that President Nkrumah warned against. ( see complete speech of the AUC Chairperson on the AU website: ).
The Chairperson of the Executive Council on his part congratulated the AU Member States for the celebration of the 50th anniversary which he said is a significan milestone and a historic occasion to honor African heroines and heros while placing Africa at the forefront of world affairs. Dr. Tedros underlined that the commemoration of the OAU-AU jubilee is important as it will chart the way for a prosperous and peaceful Africa. He hoped that this new generation of panAfricans will achieve the dreams of the founding fathers through African renaissance.
Minister Tedros called on his peers to meet at a more appropriate time and reflect on how to contribute to the agenda 2063. In this respect, he invited the Ministers for a retreat in one town called Bahidar outside of Addis Ababa where they can exchange views and produce constructive input to the vision.
Chairperson Tedros reminded the ministers on the items on their agenda including the draft Proclamation of the 50th OAU-AU anniversary to be adopted during the 21st AU Summit scheduled for 26 and 27 May 2013. (See complete speech of the AU Chairperson on the AU website: ).
Mr. Lopes on his part stressed on the importance of the celebrations as it acknowledges the key role that the pan-African ideal played in promoting continental unity. “It meant overcoming domination and oppression by ending colonialism and apartheid in the continent. It asserted at the same time the possibility of rapid socio-economic transformation of the continent”. He said, adding that, “it was only quite logical that our forefathers and foremothers came together despite divergences in their ideological dispositions to form the Organization of African Unity”.
In concluding his statement, the ECA Executive Secretary said “just as our forefathers and foremothers laid the foundation for our dignity and freedom from oppression, we have the collective responsibility to lay a sound basis for the prosperity of present and future generations. The trends are in our favourbut we must do our part”.(See complete speech of the ECA Executive Secretary on the AU website: ).
Ministers to Brainstorm on AU Proclamation /Agenda 2063
The Executive Council at their current ordinary session will discuss and provide a framework for the Proclamation on the 50th anniversary of the OAU-AU and the implementation of the Africa 2063 vision.
The draft Proclamation comprises inputs from civil society including the youth assembly, business forum, women, African Editors, and academicians. It frames the African Union’ s key objectives for the next five decades around the themes of African Identity and Renaissance; the Integration agenda; the agenda for Social and Economic Development and Prosperity; Peace and Security; Democratic Governance; Self-reliance and Africa’s place in the World.According to the AUC Chairperson, in each of these areas, the Proclamation must spell out the continental mission and strategic objectives for the next fifty years in a bid to help Africa to comprehensively deal with the challenges ahead.
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African Youth Forum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
On Thursday, 23 May 2013 Save the Children is hosting a press conference to describe steps that must be taken to improve progress towards the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goal (MDG4) of reducing child mortality by two-thirds. We would be delighted if you could join us.
WHEN: Thursday, 23 May 2013
The format: A press briefing to take place from 17:00hrs – 17:30hrs
Speaker: Hussein Halane, Regional Director for Save the Children International East Africa Regional Office and Head of Delegation to the AU Summit
WHERE: New AU Conference Center, Briefing Room 2, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
WHY: Over the last decade, Africa has doubled the rate at which it’s reduced child mortality. There are many individual stories of success, with countries such as Malawi and Rwanda, despite enormous odds, being on track to meet MDG4 by the 2015 deadline.
However that progress is still not fast enough – despite counting for only 15% of the world’s population, Africa accounts for nearly half of the world’s child deaths. At the current rate of reduction Africa won’t meet Millennium Development Goal 4. We need to redouble our efforts to meet our collective promises, and ensure that children growing up over the next fifty years are given the opportunity to meet their full
CONTACT: Franco Wandabwa
Africa Advocacy Director
Africa Area Office
Save the Children
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
251-11-4654684/4668075 -
Media Advisory
WHAT: Journalists are invited to cover the official launch of the NEPAD Atlas Publication on Rural Development in Africa.
WHEN: Thursday May 23, 2013
TIME: 09:00 – 09:30
WHERE: Press Briefing Room 1, AUC Conference Centre
WHO: Chief Executive Officer of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency, Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki and the AUC Commissioner and Ms Rhoda Peace Tumissime, African Union's Commissioner for Rural Economy and AgricultureBACKGROUND:
NEPAD’s Rural Futures Programme, launched in 2010 reflects the commitment of African leaders to advance the rural sector as a more effective engine for development and transforming the lives of the majority of Africans who still live in rural areas.NEPAD Agency recently held a Forum of key stakeholders and partners, with an important outcome – the Cotonou Declaration. The Declaration with tangible deliverables is vital in that it will serve as a guiding framework for African Union member states and the NEPAD Agency, in designing and implementing a development strategy that emphasis transformation and growth in Africa’s rural areas.
The mini Atlas points to NEPAD and partners roadmap to efforts for rural development in Africa
For more information and to arrange interviews contact:
NEPAD Agency
Maureen Nkandu
Phone: + 251 927348384
E-mail: -
The African Union Executive Council opens with a call for a People Centred Unionto achieve the Africa 2063 vision
Addis Abba 22 May 2013 –“We meet on the eve of the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU. Like in May 1963, the eyes of the continent and the world are focused on our activities and deliberations” Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, was speaking today, Wednesday 22 May 2013, while addressing the 23rdOrdinary Session of the Executive Council at theheadquarters of the African Union (AU), in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She noted that, “like in 1963 when the founding states took their first steps into political independence, in 2013 we see Africa taking off towards peace and prosperity”.
The opening ceremony took place in the presence of Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chairperson of the Executive Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; Mr. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the AUC, Mr. Carlos Lopes, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) ; AUC Commissioners, representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, AUC staff, and the invited guests.
Dr. Dlamini Zuma expressed satisfaction at the state of preparedness of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU), which she qualifies as memorable, people-centered, global, involving the young people , the women, and the Diaspora with a view to leaving a lasting legacy. “Through these celebrations we will reclaim the African narrative, as we reflect on the past, assess our present state and plan our future” she emphasized.
Year-long Anniversary activities to galvanise, mobilise and energize
The AUC Chairperson expressed appreciation of the fact that African Member States and the different sectors in the society have taken up the clarion call to organize commemorative activities in their respective countries through the year-long anniversary celebration of the OAU - AU. Global reflection and debates are ongoing on the theme of the 21st AU Summit: Pan Africanism and African Renaissance and on the Africa 2063 vision, across the continent and the Diaspora. According to Chairperson Dlamini – Zuma, “these debates by Africans from all walks reaffirm Pan Africanism as a guide to action and the foundations for Africa’s Renaissance”. She added that, “ as we reflect on the 50th Anniversary Proclamation, we must be mindful of the inputs from our people….We must be mindful of our people’s expectations that we should emerge from this Summit – as our Founders did in 1963 – with a mission that will unite Africa and set her on the path to peace and prosperity”.
Dr. Dlamini – Zuma expressed optimism on the fact that Africa’s natural resources, its unused arable land and water, its potential for energy generation, its long coastlines rich in marine resources, to name but a few are potentials to use in achieving the 2063 agenda.
Quoting the eminent Pan Africanist, President Kwame Nkrumah in his speech to the Founding meeting in May 1963, the AUC Chairperson said “Nothing will be of avail, except the united act of a united Africa”. She explained that “as we chart the mission of our generations for the next fifty years, we must learn from the past and guard against the difficulties that President Nkrumah warned against. ( see complete speech of the AUC Chairperson on the AU website: ).
The Chairperson of the Executive Council on his part congratulated the AU Member States for the celebration of the 50th anniversary which he said is a significan milestone and a historic occasion to honor African heroines and heros while placing Africa at the forefront of world affairs. Dr. Tedros underlined that the commemoration of the OAU-AU jubilee is important as it will chart the way for a prosperous and peaceful Africa. He hoped that this new generation of panAfricans will achieve the dreams of the founding fathers through African renaissance.
Minister Tedros called on his peers to meet at a more appropriate time and reflect on how to contribute to the agenda 2063. In this respect, he invited the Ministers for a retreat in one town called Bahidar outside of Addis Ababa where they can exchange views and produce constructive input to the vision.
Chairperson Tedros reminded the ministers on the items on their agenda including the draft Proclamation of the 50th OAU-AU anniversary to be adopted during the 21st AU Summit scheduled for 26 and 27 May 2013. (See complete speech of the AU Chairperson on the AU website: ).
Mr. Lopes on his part stressed on the importance of the celebrations as it acknowledges the key role that the pan-African ideal played in promoting continental unity. “It meant overcoming domination and oppression by ending colonialism and apartheid in the continent. It asserted at the same time the possibility of rapid socio-economic transformation of the continent”. He said, adding that, “it was only quite logical that our forefathers and foremothers came together despite divergences in their ideological dispositions to form the Organization of African Unity”.
In concluding his statement, the ECA Executive Secretary said “just as our forefathers and foremothers laid the foundation for our dignity and freedom from oppression, we have the collective responsibility to lay a sound basis for the prosperity of present and future generations. The trends are in our favourbut we must do our part”.(See complete speech of the ECA Executive Secretary on the AU website: ).
Ministers to Brainstorm on AU Proclamation /Agenda 2063
The Executive Council at their current ordinary session will discuss and provide a framework for the Proclamation on the 50th anniversary of the OAU-AU and the implementation of the Africa 2063 vision.
The draft Proclamation comprises inputs from civil society including the youth assembly, business forum, women, African Editors, and academicians. It frames the African Union’ s key objectives for the next five decades around the themes of African Identity and Renaissance; the Integration agenda; the agenda for Social and Economic Development and Prosperity; Peace and Security; Democratic Governance; Self-reliance and Africa’s place in the World.According to the AUC Chairperson, in each of these areas, the Proclamation must spell out the continental mission and strategic objectives for the next fifty years in a bid to help Africa to comprehensively deal with the challenges ahead.
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