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The official launch of the NEPAD Atlas Publication on Rural Development in Africa.

The official launch of the NEPAD Atlas Publication on Rural Development in Africa.

May 22, 2013

Media Advisory

WHAT: Journalists are invited to cover the official launch of the NEPAD Atlas Publication on Rural Development in Africa.
WHEN: Thursday May 23, 2013
TIME: 09:00 – 09:30
WHERE: Press Briefing Room 1, AUC Conference Centre
WHO: Chief Executive Officer of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency, Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki and the AUC Commissioner and Ms Rhoda Peace Tumissime, African Union's Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture

NEPAD’s Rural Futures Programme, launched in 2010 reflects the commitment of African leaders to advance the rural sector as a more effective engine for development and transforming the lives of the majority of Africans who still live in rural areas.

NEPAD Agency recently held a Forum of key stakeholders and partners, with an important outcome – the Cotonou Declaration. The Declaration with tangible deliverables is vital in that it will serve as a guiding framework for African Union member states and the NEPAD Agency, in designing and implementing a development strategy that emphasis transformation and growth in Africa’s rural areas.

The mini Atlas points to NEPAD and partners roadmap to efforts for rural development in Africa

For more information and to arrange interviews contact:
NEPAD Agency
Maureen Nkandu
Phone: + 251 927348384

Topic Resources

May 14, 2013

Agenda Provisoire - Conférence

May 14, 2013

Agenda Provisoire - Conseil Exécutif

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Agenda Provisoire - CRP

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Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.