An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Key Transformational Outcomes of Agenda 2063

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Agenda 2063 identifies several key benefits to Africans if the programmes identified in the strategic development framework are initiated and implemented in the FTYIP.

Africa is expected to show improved standards of living; transformed, inclusive and sustained economies; increased levels of regional and continental integration; a population of empowered women and youth and a society in which children are cared for and protected; societies that are peaceful, demonstrate good democratic values and practice good governance principles and which preserve and enhance Africa’s cultural identity.

Improvements in Living Standards

  • Real per-capita incomes would be a third more than 2013 levels.
  • Incidence of hunger, especially amongst Women and Youth will only be 20% of 2023 levels.
  • Job opportunities will be available to at least one in four persons looking for work.
  • At least one out of every three children will be having access to kindergarten education with every child of secondary school age in school and seven out of ten of its graduates without access to tertiary education enrolled in TVET programmes.
  • Malnutrition, maternal, child and neo-natal deaths as at 2013 would be reduced by half; access to anti-retroviral will be automatic and proportion of deaths attributable to HIV/AIDs and malaria would have been halved.
  • Nine out of ten persons will have access to safe drinking water and sanitation; electricity supply and internet connectivity will be up by 50% and cities will be recycling at least 50% of the waste they generate.

Transformed, Inclusive and Sustainable Economies

  • GDP will be growing at 7% and at least a third of the outputs will be generated by national firms.
  • Labour intensive manufacturing, underpinned by value addition to commodities and doubling of the total agricultural factor productivity will be attained by 2023
  • The beginnings of value addition blue economy – fisheries, eco-friendly coastal tourism, marine bio-technology products and port operations- will emerge.
  • Creative arts businesses will be contributing twice as much in real terms their 2013 contribution to GDP.
  • ICT penetration and contribution to real GDP in absolute terms would be double of 2013 levels.
  • Regional industrialization hubs linked to the global value chains and commodity exchanges will be in place by 2023.
  • At least 17% of terrestrial and inland water and 10% of coastal and marine areas would have been preserved and 30% of farmers, fisher folks and pastoralist will be practicing climate resilient production systems.

Integrated Africa

  • There will free movement of goods, services and capital; and persons travelling to any member state could get the visa at the point of entry.
  • The volume of intra-African trade especially in agricultural value added products would increase three fold by 2023.
  • The African Customs Union, an African Common Market and an African Monetary Union will be operational by 2023.
  • The African Speed Train Network will have passed the inception stage and will be taking its first passengers between two connected cities.
  • African Skies will be open to all African Airlines.
  • Regional power pools boosted by at least 50% increase in power generation and the INGA dam will be operational and will contribute to the powering of the industrial transformation of the continent and comfort of the citizenry.
  • African Education Accreditation Agency and a common educational system are in place and the African Youth will have the choice to study at any university and work any where on the continent.

Empowered Women, Youth and Children

  • All obstacles related to Women owing/inheriting property or business, signing a contract, owning or managing a bank account would be removed by 2023.
  • At least one in five women would have access to and control of productive assets.
  • Gender parity in control, representation, advancement will be the norm in all AU Organs and the RECs.
  • All forms of violence against women would have been reduced by a third in 2023.
  • All harmful social norms and customary practices would have ended by 2023.
  • The African Youth will be mobile and 15% of all new businesses will emanate from their ingenuity and talent and the proportion of 2013 youth unemployed will be reduced by at least a quarter.
  • Child labour exploitation, marriages, trafficking and soldiering would have ended by 2023

Well-governed, peaceful and cultural centric Africa in a Global Context

  • Democratic values and culture as enshrined in the African Governance Architecture would have been entrenched by 2023.
  • At least seven out of ten persons in every member state of the union will perceive elections to be free, fair and credible; democratic institutions, processes and leaders accountable; the judiciary impartial and independent; and the legislature independent and key component of the national governance process.
  • African Peer Review Mechanism will have been ascribed to by all Member States and its positive impact on governance metrics felt.
  • All guns would have been silenced by 2023.
  • All Member States of the Union will have in place local and national mechanisms for conflict prevention and resolution.
  • All Member States of the Union will have in place a dual citizen’s programme for the diaspora.
  • The Encyclopedia Africana will be launched by the 2023 Assembly of the Union.
  • One in five polytechniques will be offering programmes in the creative arts and management of micro cultural enterprises to support the growth of the creative arts businesses.
  • Local content in all print and electronic media would have increased by 60%.
  • At least 30% of all cultural patrimonies would have been retrieved by 2023.
  • An African Space Agency would have been established by 2023.
  • An African Global Platform will be in place by 2017 and will contribute to an increase in the share of Africa’s exports in global exports in 2023 by at least 20%.
  • The African Investment Bank, the African Guarantee Facility, the African Remittances Institute and at least 2 Regional Stock Exchanges would have been established and functioning.

National capital markets will contribute at least 10% of development financing and the proportion of aid in the national budget will be no more than 25% of the 2013 level.


Topic Resources

February 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.

October 10, 2022

Thirty-First Ordinary Session
1 – 2 July 2018
Nouakchott, MAURITANIA

February 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.

October 10, 2022

Thirty-First Ordinary Session
1 – 2 July 2018
Nouakchott, MAURITANIA