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Third AU CESA School Feeding Cluster Convenes in Tunis to discuss modalities for the operationalization of the cluster Work plan 2019-2021

Third AU CESA School Feeding Cluster Convenes in Tunis to discuss modalities for the operationalization of the cluster Work plan 2019-2021

October 22, 2018

Tunis, Tunisia October 22nd 2018: As an initiative to advance the African Agenda 2063, its 10-year implementation plan and achive Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), the African Union in collaboration with the World Food Programme and its Center of Excellence Against Hunger in Brazil have convened the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) School Feeding cluster meeting to discuss the modalities and strategies towards the implementation and operationalization of the CESA cluster for School feeding.
The meeting that was held on the 20th of October 2018 brought together representatives from thirty-two AU member states, all UN agencies as well as academia and experts in education and the nutrition sectors. All partners present namely; Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO), World Food Program (WFP.) UNESCO, African Union Development Agency (AUDA) formerly known as NEPAD, Brazil Government and the Global Child Nutrition Foundation all pledged to work together and contribute to the cluster success.
The Assembly of Heads of State and Government during the 26th African Union Summit in January 2016 (Assembly/AU/Dec. 589 (XXVI) endorsed the study on Home Grown School Feeding Programs in AU members states. In line with the assembly decision, the African Day of School Feeding held on 1st March annually was also endorsed and further supported by (EX.CL/Dec.965-986(XXXI) which committed to establishment of a Multidisciplinary Committee of African Experts on School Feeding.
The cluster will encourage mechanisms for harmonization of the school feeding initiatives within the continent towards achieving AU Agenda 2063 and SDG4.
Speaking at the opening H.E Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology emphasised the dire need to invest in Science and Technology as the latter is the core for food and nutrition. Prof. Sarah urged all experts and partners present to evaluate and monitor existing school feeding efforts while brainstorming on recommendations to improve the existing strategies. The Commissioner also lauded the existing collaboration between the AU all esteemed partners while calling upon enhanced South-to-South cooperation towards bridging the gap of malnutrition and poverty on the continent. Food and nutrition security cannot be over looked she concluded.
World Food Program Africa Office Director, Angelline Rudakubana commended the efforts of the WFP towards improving the lives of school going children and hailed ongoing efforts towards operationalization of the CESA School feeding cluster. Ms Angelline also wished the delegates successful deliberations.
Daniel Balaban, Director of WFP Center of Excellence against Hunger pledged continued support to the African Union CESA School Feeding Cluster and called upon various partners to explore avenues of how to support the AU in establishing national school feeding policies. Mr. Daniel also lauded the commitments such as celebration of March 1st as the AU continental school feeding day as well as the cluster frameworks, this shows that Africans value the importance of investing in the food and nutrition sector he concluded.
The third AUC Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) School Feeding Cluster meeting convened under the auspices of the Global Child Nutrition Forum which is held annually since 2012

For more information, please contact:
Mr. Abraham Asha, Program Officer, Education Division, Human Resource Science and Technology Department, African Union Commission, E-mail:

Media Enquiries:
Ms. Mugisha Barbara, Communication Expert, Department of Social Affairs, African Union Commission (AUC), E-mail:
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