An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Speech of H.E. Minata Samate Cessouma, AUC Commissioner for Political Affairs at the 2018 All Africa Public Service Innovation Award (AAPSIA) award ceremony

Speech of H.E. Minata Samate Cessouma, AUC Commissioner for Political Affairs at the 2018 All Africa Public Service Innovation Award (AAPSIA) award ceremony

December 05, 2018

Hon Lehana Habofane, Minister of Local Government Chieftainship and Chairperson of the STC8,

Hon. Members of the Bureau of the STC8

Hon Ministers - Heads of Delegations

Distinguished experts

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

Good evening!

My hearty and sincere greetings and welcome to you ALL on the occasion of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development and Decentralization as well as the 5th All-Africa Public Service Innovation Awards (AAPSIA) Ceremony hosted by the African Union Commission (AUC).

The theme of the 2018 edition of the AAPSIA is informed by the vision of Agenda 2063, of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, led by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the international arena; an Africa which see “combating corruption” as “a sustainable path towards Africa’s transformation". This flagship programme contributes to the aim of "Africa of Good Governance", with competent and innovative institutions governed by transformative leadership at all levels of government. The 2018 AAPSIA theme: "winning the fight against corruption through the public sector," is adequately supplementing the above-mentioned AUC theme.

The AAPSIA thematic area was conceptualised during the 4th Pan- African Conference of Ministers of Public/Civil Service that took place in Stellenbosch, South Africa in 2003. The thematic area was officially launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during the 5th Pan-African Conference of Ministers of Public/Civil Service in December 2005.
The said Conference was subsequently transformed into the African Union Specialized Technical Committee Number Eight (STC No. 8).

The AAPSIA initiative seeks to enhance sharing of experiences through close collaboration with Member States, civil society and development partners on governance and public administration. The aim of AAPSIA is to encourage innovations in public service delivery. It is also to promote effective and efficient service delivery and development in AU Member States. Through this initiative, we award successful and effective service delivery improvement projects and initiatives achieved through the application of innovative approaches, methodologies and tools.

The AAPSIA is premised on the notion that leaders must harness innovation, creativity, adaptability and timeliness to enable good governance. It enables continental leaders to cost-effectively establish the basis of good practice that can be promoted and replicated. The innovative practices in public service delivery constitute a demonstrable evidence that the ‘public sector’ can and should be allowed to play a leading role in pursuing the African development agenda. In recognizing and spreading the Continent`s own innovative practices, the AAPSIA programme demonstrates that Africa is well on its way to lead its own development from whom others outside the continent can also learn.

The categories under consideration for the 5th AAPSIA Edition are:

• Innovative Service Delivery Improvements;

• Innovative Partnerships between Government, Private Sector and Civil Society Organisations;

• Innovations in the Systems and Processes of Governance; and

• The 4th Industrial Revolution (using new technologies to enhance public service delivery).

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The citizens of our continent are increasingly aware of and demanding better services from their respective Governments. We are thus consciously reminded of the need for our Governments to do more with the limited tax payer resources available to our disposal. We are all in agreement that corruption is at the root of many of our governance and public administration challenges on the continent. The imperative is on us to address the scourge and practice of corruption head-on.

I would therefore like to make a renewed call on all of us to join hands in coming up with innovative and constructive anti-corruption initiatives. Where there are success stories and experiences on the continent, let us share these in good faith and for the betterment of our continent. We have a role and duty to play in the safeguarding and prosperity of our continent for present and future generations. The burden is on each of us to take responsibility and be the change that we want to see. The fight against corruption is indeed a HUGE challenge, but it is, by no means, insurmountable.

I am looking forward to the results of the adjudication process done under the able leadership of Namibia and the rest of the adjudication panel. I would also like to acknowledge and thank all the Member States who submitted entries for this 5th AAPSIA Edition. I would like to urge those who did not submit entries this time around, to do so for the 6th and subsequent AAPSIA Editions. Our participation in this continental initiative will go a long way in enhancing our capacity to enter other global Award Schemes.

I wish the shortlisted institutions all the best and congratulate you ALL as potential winners.

I thank you!

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