An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Africa is moving towards greater integration as Niamey meeting drives the momentum

Africa is moving towards greater integration as Niamey meeting drives the momentum

October 20, 2024

Following the historical context of the African integration process and the progress of African leaders towards achieving a united, integrated and prosperous continent under the Abuja Treaty and Africa’s Agenda 2063 and the ultimate goal to transform its fifty-five (55) economies into a single economic and monetary union, with a common currency and free mobility of capital and labour, the African Union (AU) is convening in Niamey, Niger for the Extraordinary Summit on the African Continental Free Trade Area and the first Mid-Year Coordination meeting of the AU and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), both purposed at moving the integration agenda forward. 

The Mid-Year Coordination Meeting is an outcome of the decisions  from the ongoing Institutional Reforms of the AU that elaborated on the working methods of the African Union and decided on the reduction of the African Union summits to one annual summit in the month of February complemented by a Mid-Year Coordination Meeting in the month of July. The agenda for the Summit and Mid-Year Coordination meeting have also been made leaner focusing on fewer priority areas that speak to matters of political affairs, peace and security, economic integration and enhancing Africa’s global representation and voice. 

In the upcoming Mid-Year Coordination meeting, the AU Commission will present to the AU Assembly a clear division of labor and effective collaboration between the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the Regional Mechanisms (RMs), the Member States, and other continental institutions, in line with the principle of subsidiarity. The proposal seeks to drive further, the significant progress made in the realization of the aspirations of Agenda 2063 by firming up a system that allows for joint planning, joint financing and joint engagement with Member States and partners, at the level of the AU, RECs and RMs. Currently, the AU, RECs and RMs plan, budget separately and mobilize resources separately leading to challenges of overlap, duplication and wastage. 
In Niamey, the African Union will also hold an Extraordinary Summit on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) to celebrate the first Anniversary of the Signing of the AfCFTA and to formally launch the operational phase of the African Internal Market which officially entered into force on the 30th of May 2019. More on the AfCFTA event is available at AfCFTA Web Page

The Mid-Year Coordination meeting and the AFCFTA summit will be preceded by a two-day Executive Council meeting. The Executive Council will among other agenda items, consider and adopt the AU Budget for the year 2020. The budget preparation process, before adoption by the Executive Council, involves the oversight role of the Committee of Fifteen Ministers of Finance (F15) tasked with strengthening the financial and budgetary reforms within the Union. The reforms enhance the financial discipline within the AU, to decisively address issues of low execution rates, identify undetected wastages and instances of over-budgeting by departments or organs, as well as ensure full compliance with the African Union financial rules and regulations.

Among other deliberations to be held by the Executive Council will be matters of the legal instruments of the AU Development Agency (formerly the NEPAD), the proposals of the new AU structure and the proposals on the AU theme of the year 2020. The Council will also discuss the report on the outcome of the regional consultations on assessing the Peace Fund. Currently, 51 member states have contributed USD 115 million to the Peace Fund towards the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts and the promotion of peace in Africa. 

In Niamey, the African Union will be host to a number of side events with the public and private sectors, civil societies and the academia to enrich the inclusive implementation of Agenda 2063 and its flagship projects.