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Joint Press Release : PAFOM V calls for the need to create effective policies grounded on evidence towards effective migration governance in Africa

Joint Press Release : PAFOM V calls for the need to create effective policies grounded on evidence towards effective migration governance in Africa

September 16, 2019
PAFOM V calls for the need to create effective policies grounded on evidence towards effective migration governance in Africa

Cairo, Egypt, September 15, 2019: The African Union (AU) Ministerial Session for the 5th Pan African Forum on Migration (PAFOM V) kicked off today. The meeting is organized by the Department of Social Affairs at the AU Commission (AUC) in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The meeting is mainly aimed at facilitating intra-regional migration and human mobility, free movement of people and comprehensive border management through the exchange of knowledge and good practices. 

On behalf of the people and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Deputy Foreign Minister for African Affairs, Ambassador Hamdi Sanad Loza addressed the meeting. He stressed the need of supporting the economic conditions of the citizens in the continent in order to reduce the irregular migration of young people and raise the efficiency of the information centers in the Member States of the African Union to help in economic development.

Ambassador Hamdi Sanad Loza said that the government of Egypt is happy to express satisfaction with the efforts done by the African Union and will spare no efforts to make the meeting successful. Amb. Loza encouraged the meeting to come up with strong recommendations that contribute to the continental, regional and national coordination, reporting and follow up mechanism on the Global Compact on Migration (GCM). 
In her opening remarks the AU African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs Amira Elfadil Mohammed Elfadil expressed her pleasure to be part of this important meeting. She expressed her gratitude towards the commitment of the AU member states in implementing the guidelines developed by the AUC regarding information sharing and analysis on issues of the prevention of trafficking and smuggling in the continent.

H.E. Amira Elfadil said that the Pan African Forum on Migration (PAFOM) is increasingly becoming a key platform in which AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and other stakeholders meet to share information, learn from one another and also leverage the opportunity to meet and interact with non-state actors participants with a view of building a common understanding and reaffirm shared values on the AU migration Agenda towards an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa.

 “It is very satisfying for me to note that finally we have a regular annual forum that provides us with the opportunity interact, share best practices and also keep abreast on what is happening at national, regional, continental and international arena on migration governance. It is also worth noting that PAFOM has been able to identify help us build a common understanding on the issues of migration and human mobility within the continent and has contributed greatly in providing initial thoughts toward the development of the Common African Positions in issues of migration.’’ said Mrs. Amira Elfadil.

The UN International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa Ms. Carmela Godeau said during her opening remarks that IOM has been supporting the PAFOM since its inception and is pleased to see these efforts further extended by the decision to dedicate this fifth edition of the Pan-African Forum on Migration to research and data. She said that “The African Union has already taken effective steps to expand migration data collection, exchange and analysis in the continent”. Ms. Godeau further added that “Cooperation on Migration Data and Research at both global, regional and bilateral levels is essential to achieve good migration governance. We strongly believe that only by fostering this collaboration that States will be able to develop and implement evidence-based policies benefiting both migrants and their societies. South-South cooperation is of utmost importance as the large majority of mobility flows in Africa remain inside the continent”. 

Participants at the meeting are from the African Union Commission; Ministers and senior officials in charge of migration, labour and national statistics in government departments and agencies of the AU Member States, relevant continental workers unions, civil societies, and academia, among others.

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