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Speech of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission at the 41st Ordinary Session of the PRC

Speech of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission at the 41st Ordinary Session of the PRC

January 20, 2021

Mr. Chairman of the Permanent Representatives Committee,
Distinguished Permanent Representatives of the Member States to the African Union,
Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission
Ladies and Gentlemen,

In these early days of 2021, I would like to begin by expressing to you all my best wishes, with the ardent hope that this New year will be better than 2020, in spite the resurgence of COVID-19 which we are currently witnessing and which has struck us hard throughout the past year.

This particularly difficult context in no way dampened the ardour of the PRC, which, under the authority of its Chairman, Ambassador Edward MAKAYA of South Africa, continued its activities unabated, by using the possibilities of distance communication offered by technology.

Thus, the efforts of the PRC led to the convening of the 37th Ordinary session of the Executive Council, the 2nd Coordination meeting between the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities, the two Extraordinary sessions of the Assembly on the African Continental Free Trade Area and the Virtual Summit on the theme of the year “Silencing the Guns”.

I commend this performance which can be attributed to the credit of the good cooperation that exists on the one hand between the PRC members, which worked in unison and on the other hand, between the PRC and the Commission of the African Union.

In this regard, I would like to welcome the very good cooperation between the Commission and the PRC, and this throughout the Term of office, which is drawing to a close. I would like to thank you, Distinguished Permanent Representatives, for your strong commitment to our Continent. I would like to reiterate my appreciation to my brother, Ambassador Edward Makaya who, during this terrible year 2020, not only steered the work of the PRC, but also facilitated the sessions of the Bureau of the Assembly of Heads of State, sometimes enlarged to the Chairmen of the RECs, under the authority of President Cyril Ramaphosa, Current Chairman of our Union, to regularly monitor the evolution of this terrible pandemic in our Continent.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Two other points, no less important, which I would like to raise, are, first, the relevance of the choice of the PRC to rationalise the Draft Agendas of the meetings of the Policy Organs in order to take into account the constraints related to meetings, held through videoconference and, second, the availability of all information facilitating the adoption of the Draft decisions submitted for consideration by the said organs.

Mr Chairman of the PRC
Ladies and Gentlemen,
During your session, you will, as usual, prepare, under various headings, the 38th Ordinary session of the Executive Council and the 34th Ordinary session of the Assembly. It is to be recalled that the success of these two meetings depends on your deliberations.

2021 is a pivotal year, marked by the shift towards the new Departmental Structure of the Commission, with the key issue of the renewal of the members of the Commission, following the elections that will be organised, very soon, for this purpose.

The items on the agenda of your meeting are, for the most part, related to all the modalities that should support the smooth transition from the old structure of the Commission to the new one. These modalities are contained in the Transition Plan, already adopted by the Executive Council.

All the issues contained in this Plan are of very complex as they will induce changes in the functioning of the Commission and in the staff situation. I sincerely hope that Phase 1 of the new Departmental Structure of the Commission can take place in a peaceful context, which will contribute to giving more lustre to the colours of the African Union.

In addition to these items, you will also have to consider the various Reports of the other Sub-Committees including the one on the Audit. The importance of the Audit no longer needs to be demonstrated, within the framework of transparent management, accompanied by the obligation of accountability.

The consideration of the Audit Report should provide us with the elements for the development of a sound Management Policy, which produces better return on the use of every single Dollar put at the disposal of the Commission and the other organs by the Member States and the partners.

You will consider the theme for the year 2021 on Arts, Culture and Heritage. An important theme insofar as Culture is the main symbol of identity. It is through Culture that we know who we really are.

Mr Chairman of the PRC,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am aware that I have not touched on all the issues you will have to deal with. I have given priority to those matters, which represent an important challenge in our preparation for advent of the new Commission. It is a challenge that we must take up so that the Institutional Reform, decided upon, since July 2016, at the Kigali Summit, in Rwanda, by our Heads of State and Government is concretely reflected in the daily activities of the Union.

By the end of your meeting, I am convinced, you will have ironed out all the difficulties, all the rough obstacles on the way to ushering the Union into its new era, that of the successful Institutional Reform, thus attesting to the benefits and advantages of teamwork, executed with competence, dedication and passion.

The Commission remains at your entire disposal to facilitate your deliberations, if necessary.

While thanking you for your kind attention, I wish you fruitful deliberations.

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