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Launch of the 3RD CAADP Biennial Review Report

Launch of the 3RD CAADP Biennial Review Report

March 10, 2022

Media Advisory

Launch of the 3RD CAADP Biennial Review Report

WHAT: The launch of the 3rd Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development (CAADP) Programme Biennial Review Report

Theme: “Accelerating CAADP Implementation for a Resilient African Food System”

WHEN:            10th March 2022, at 15:00PM EAT

WHERE:         Zoom virtual platform:

Meeting registration link:

Register in advance for this meeting:

How: The Launch of the 3rd CAADP Biennial Review Report will be opened in the presence of the leadership and officials of the AU Commission and AUDA-NEPAD, Ministers from the AU Member States, representatives of RECs, CSOs and Partners;

WHOThis event is organized by the African Union Commission (AUC), Department of Agriculture Rural Development, Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy (DARBE) and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD).

Background and context

The 3rd Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Review (BR) Report was endorsed by the assembly of African Heads of State and Government during 35th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union Heads of State and Government in February 2022. The BR is the primary mutual accountability mechanism that the African Union and its Member States use to track the implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development programme (CAADP) borne from the Malabo Declaration. The Biennial Review Report is a fundamental instrument that shows outcomes of different agricultural efforts and interventions on the continent, to enable countries track, measure and report progress achieved against agreed result areas.

The Report is timely as it comes mid-way through the implementation of the Malabo commitments and goals to be achieved by 2025. It also comes shortly after the yearlong UNFSS process that focused attention on food systems in 2021. The objective of the BR report is to stimulate   post-BR dialogues and action processes, that show performance of African countries towards achieving the Malabo Goals and facilitate dialogue, learning and action within countries and RECS.

Purpose and Objectives

The launch of the 3rd BR report is in line with efforts aimed at increasing awareness and advocacy among all stakeholder and to build momentum behind the CAADP Agenda for increased political, policy and financial commitment.   The specific objectives are:

  1. To advocate for the increased utilization of the BR report for dialogue, to trigger action at country level and spur policy and investment responses designed to speed up the attainment of the Malabo Declaration goals and commitments.
  2. To generate calls to action by capturing a broad range of emerging issues on political & policy options that can strengthen BR processes

For More Information on the event:

-           Dr. Simplice Nouala Fonkou, Head of Agriculture and Food Security Division,  African Union Commission – Email:

For Media inquiries:

  • Ms. Peace Lydia Mutuwa, Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission - Email
  • Mr. Molalet Tsedeke, Directorate of Information and Communications; AU Commission Tel: 0911-630631-Email: ;

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Information and Communication Directorate, African Union Commission I E-mail:
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