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Africa Union Day : “AU20: Our Africa, Our Future”: Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the African Union

Africa Union Day : “AU20: Our Africa, Our Future”: Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the African Union

September 09, 2022


This year, the African Union celebrates its 20th anniversary. The Durban Summit (2002) launched the AU and convened its first Assembly of Heads of State and Government. Three summits were held in the lead-up to the official launch of the AU, i.e.:

• On 9 September 1999, the then Organisation of African Unity, OAU, signed the Sirte Declaration, establishing the Union. The Declaration called for the creation of an organisation that would accelerate integration on the continent and enable Africa to play a greater role in the global economy while addressing social, economic and political challenges with African solutions. 9th September is therefore celebrated as African Union Day.

• The Lomé Summit (2000) adopted the African Union’s Constitutive Act.

• The Lusaka Summit (2001) drew the roadmap for implementation of the AU.

The decision to re-launch Africa’s Pan-African organisation was the outcome of a consensus by African leaders that in order to realise Africa’s potential, there was a need to refocus attention from the fight for decolonisation and apartheid, which had been the focus of the OAU, towards increased cooperation and integration of African states to drive Africa’s growth and economic development.

The AU 20 campaign kicked off with a countdown highlighting some AU milestones, the campaign will run for the next 6 months until the AU Heads of State Summit in February 2023 and will culminate with the launch of an AU 20 research paper highlighting AU successes and challenges from the citizen perspective as well as showcase the work five visual artists and five creative writers curated to commemorate 20 years of the AU. On AU Day this year, the AU will document the success AU member states have made in implementing Agenda 2063.


· Amplify the AU at 20 public awareness campaign, which aims to highlight major milestones, achievements, events, personalities.

· Communicate the AU’s past, present, and vision for the future, highlighting the various ways in which the African Union works to promote the peace, unity and prosperity of African citizens, through its own citizens

Key messages:

· The AU’s unifying role in amplifying Africa's voice on the global stage, promoting prosperity, development and unity, breaking down barriers, and providing home grown solutions for the continent’s socio-economic development

· The AU has deepened cooperation with partners over the past two decades.

· The AU development successes under Agenda 2063.

How can you join the campaign?

  1. Engage in the campaign on social media. Download one of the attached posters and share it on your Twitter, Facebook or Instagram account. Suggested messages are provided in the attached document.
  2. Retweet or repost content from the AU corporate Twitter accounts.
  3. Share key achievements on how your project/institution/country is contributing to The Africa We Want (Agenda 2063).
  4. Use the hashtag #AU20 answering the following prompt: What is your vision for the future of Africa?


Primary Twitter handle @_AfricanUnion

· Facebook:@AfricanUnionCommission

· Instagram: @AfricanUnion_Official


Key Resources