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Media Advisory Note : 36th Ordinary Session of the Assembly - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : Theme Of The Summit :“Acceleration of AfCFTA Implementation

Media Advisory Note : 36th Ordinary Session of the Assembly - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : Theme Of The Summit :“Acceleration of AfCFTA Implementation

January 10, 2023

1.1. Online Registration System: The online accreditation link is:

1.2. E-mail:

After filling the accreditation form, the complete form and scanned copies of all the required documents should be sent via e-mail to the Information and Communication Directorate (ICD) through the e-mail:

Required documents to accompany application form

  • Passport size photograph not more than six months old;
  • A letter of assignment on official letterhead of a media organization signed by the Editor-in-chief indicating name of representative and duration of stay
  • Copy of a valid professional press card or equivalent identification

It is also advisable to carry hard copies of all the required documents in case of any necessary checks. Applications should reach the Directorate before 12 February 2023.

For further Inquiries regarding media accreditation contact: 

Mr. Molalet Tsedeke, Media Center Coordinator, Information and Communication

Directorate; AU Commission; Tel. +251-115 182014; WhatsApp +251-911-630631; E-mail:

  1. Accreditation For Media Personnel Based In Ethiopia 

All media personnel operating from within Ethiopia must apply for accreditation through the Ethiopian Media Authority by providing the necessary details. The application must be provided before the deadline set by the Ethiopian Media Authority. Please contact the following officials for details: 

Ethiopian Media Authority

Mr.Fantahun Aseres; Tel: +251-910-799-598 E-mail:

Mr. Yibekal Misganaw; Tel: +251-911-483-838 E-mail:

Mr. Beza Sewunet; Tel: +251-934-978-650

E: mail:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the FDRE

Mr. Mekbib Mengesha, Deputy Chief of protocol

Tel. 0911-210-234; E-mail:

Mr. Hailemikael Debisa Elala

Tel. +251-923-276-674; E-mail:


Journalists will need to get two badges:

3.1. The Government press ID will be issued by the host authorities. This involves being photographed before the card is processed. 

3.2. The badge will be issued at the AU Commission accreditation center. This badge will allow access into the AUC compound.

3.3. AU Conference badge: After getting the government press badge, journalists will be issued a conference badge by the African Union. This badge will give them access into the conference room and media rooms

during the Summit. 

3.4. Journalists are advised to make sure they arrive in Ethiopia in good time so as to have the documentation done before the meetings start. 

3.5. Journalists are also advised to arrive at Summit venues early to ensure that they clear all entry procedures before the meetings start. 

  1. Yellow Fever Cards And Covid 19 Pcr Test

4.1. Yellow fever cards will be required at the ports of entry for everyone travelling from yellow fever designated countries.

4.2. COVID-19 precaution:

Ø A Rapid COVID-19 testing at airport/ AUC, at no cost, one day before the meeting or the day of the meeting is a requirement to access the meeting venue. Only delegates / participants with a negative Rapid Antigen test will be allowed in the plenary and press center. Journalists must show the Rapid Covid-19 test result when requested. Media conference badge will not be issued in the absence of rapid screening result for COVID-19.

  1. Customs Clearance For Media Equipment

Accredited media personnel bringing technical equipment with them to Ethiopia will be subjected to full Customs Control. Journalists are requested to send their list of equipment together with their application for accreditation. Media equipment form is available at

Journalists wishing to bring in live broadcasting equipment or to request live transmission facilities should contact:

Mr. Yared Feliche Grosso; Resource Rent Sales and Production Team

Leader, Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation; 

Tel: +251-911-651457; +251-11-5172525; E-mail:

  1. Media Facilities 

A media center with equipped facilities for accredited journalists will be available at the summit venue. Access to media facilities will be available only to accredited media representatives.

  1. Interviews With AUC Leadership 

The Information and Communication Directorate will help media to arrange interviews with the leadership of the AU. 

Journalists wishing to conduct interview during the 36th AU Summit should submit their requests to Mr. Molalet Tsedeke, Media Center Coordinator ,AUC,; and Mrs. Afrah Mohamed Thabit,

Information Officer, AUC undefined; copying 

Mrs. Esther Azaa Tankou, Head of Information Division at the AUC;

  1. Press Conferences 

Briefings by the AUC leadership and leaders of the various African Union organs and programmes will take place at the summit venue. AUC will organize press conferences of the AUC and other AU Organs. The schedule of the press conference will be posted in advance and journalists will be notified by e-mail on the updated details. A text message will also be sent to their mobile phone, if a mobile number has been provided.

  1. Media Coverage Of The Summit 

Opening and closing sessions of the meetings are usually open to journalists, depending on availability of space within the meeting rooms. Media practitioners will also be informed on other open sessions, and how to access the plenary halls.

A briefing session will be held for all accredited media during the Summit. A notice will be circulated regarding the time and date of the briefing. 

  1. Live Streaming 

Opening sessions and press conferences of the Summit will be streaming live. The livestream link will be disseminated to all accredited journalists closer to the dates of the meetings for information and for the public to follow

live all the open sessions worldwide.

These feeds will be made available through the media centre and on the AU social media platforms. Media will also be notified of all live streamed meetings via the AU website and e-mail.

  1. Telephone

Telephone SIM cards will be available at the summit venue on a commercial basis.

  1. Television And Radio 

Media will be notified if live links to their national broadcasters will be available. Inquiries in this regard should be sent to Mr Gamal Karrar on:, Direct Tel.: +251 11 5182573. Cell: +251-904138354.

LIVE TRANSMISSION: This is to inform esteemed national broadcasters that a payment to access Air frequencies is required to access the transmission for both TV and Radio stations. The charge depends on the need of Facilities and time used. The contact person is Mr. Genanaw Legesse, Mob: +251 911746216; E-mail:


  1. Accommodation 

Accommodation will be on self-arrangement basis. Journalists are advised to make their booking early to avoid last minute inconveniences. The updated list of Addis Ababa hotels will soon be available on the AU summit webpage as it becomes available.

  1. Summit Communications Enquiries

Enquiries on the arrangements made for the media for the Summit should be directed to Mrs. Wynne Musabayana, Head of Communication Division, at the AUC, E-mail:,Tel: +251-11-

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