An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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AU Leadership Academy (AULA)

In light of the mandate to support the implementation of African Union strategic priorities and aspirations, the Directorate of Administration and Human Resources Management (DAHRM) proposes the establishment of an African Union Leadership Academy.

The realization of AU priorities and aspirations requires a specialized learning agency that is abundantly dedicated to competence development, innovation and learning support towards results-oriented execution of programmes through different but relevant modes of learning.

A high level Pan African L&D agency driving capacity building solutions to the challenges of managing the process of realization of the African Union Agenda 2063.
Mission Statement
Working in concert with Member States, and relevant institutions worldwide, in developing and delivering innovative capacity building solutions for the AU decision-making, policy and programme development within the framework of the Constitutive Act of the African Union.

- To develop and implement various L&D interventions which add value to the business of the AU Organs.

- To develop learning content and delivery modes for capacity building solutions in Africa’s public sector.

- To identify and develop professional skills that are essential within the AU.

- To equip staff of the AU with decision-making skills for effective policy design and program delivery.

- To develop and offer specialized and professional courses for young Africans aspiring to pursue careers in the AU.

Target Audience
The AU Academy is envisaged to reach diverse but critical groups within the AU and Member States. The intended target groups are as follows:

1. AU Staff
2. AU Elected Officials
3. Permanent Representatives Council members and staff of the Embassies accredited to the AU
4. Young African citizens wishing to pursue careers in the AU U and its Institutions
5. Civil servants in African Member States, Regional Economic Communities

Proposed Programs

- Leadership Programme (Inside Out/ Outside in)

- Programme /Project Management

- Policy Programme Dialogue

- History of AU and Integration