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Statement By H.E Mrs. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission at the Opening of the Meeting of the Taskforce of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET)

Statement By H.E Mrs. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission at the Opening of the Meeting of the Taskforce of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET)

May 26, 2014





26 – 28 MAY 2014

- Mr. Chairman,
- Honourable Saviour Kasukuwere, Honourable Minister of Environment, Water and Climate of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Chair of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET)
- Honourable Minister Mukhtar Abdulkarim Adam, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Physical Development of Sudan
- Honourable Yamfwa Mukanga, Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication of Zambia
- Ambassadors of Zambia and Namibia
- Honourable Ministers and Members of the AMCOMET Taskforces here present
- Dr. Amos Makarau, Director, Department of Meteorological Services, Zimbabwe and Chair of the Experts, African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET)
- Dr. Joseph R. Mukabana, Executive Secretary, AMCOMET Secretariat
- Eminent AMCOMET Experts and Permanent Representatives of WMO
- Representatives of the Regional Economic Communities here present – SADC, COMESA, CENSAD, ECOWAS, EAC, ECCAS, IGAD, AMU here present
- Representatives of the African Regional Institutions - ACMAD, AGRHYMET here present
- Representatives of the AU Commission, AMCOMET Secretariat
- Representatives of the Development Partners – UN agencies – WMO, here present
- Members of the Diplomatic Corps
- Members of the Press and Media Corps
- Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen

It is a pleasure and honour for me on behalf of the African Union Commission to address Honourable Ministers, members of the Taskforces of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) meeting here in Harare from 26 – 28 May 2014 in preparation for AMCOMET Bureau meeting that is holding back to back from 29 – 30 May 2014.

Mr. Chair, let me begin first and foremost, by transmitting the warm wishes of Her Excellency, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the Commission and my own personal greetings to you all. I would have loved to be personally here but I had to attend to some unavoidable pressing urgent matter . Allow me to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciations to the government and the people of Zimbabwe for hosting these meetings of the AMCOMET Taskforce and Bureau here in Harare.

Mr. Chairman, at this juncture, let me recognize and welcome all delegates – Honourable Ministers – Chair and Members of the AMCOMET Bureau, Taskforces and eminent experts from the Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), African Regional Institutions and Development Partners participating at these meetings. Permit me also to use this forum to commend the AMCOMET Secretariat – the World Meteorological Organization for our continued collaborations; and for engaging Consultants to support the AMCOMET Taskforces – to develop the draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan; and the facilitation of the establishment of the Regional Climate Centre in Central Africa in preparation for the Third AMCOMET session that is scheduled to hold this year. I have no doubt that the Consultants have done a thorough work and I am glad that the AMCOMET Secretariat would be reporting on progress at this meeting.

Honourable Ministers, I am delighted that AMCOMET in collaboration with the African Union Commission is implementing the Decision of the AU Executive Council adopted in January 2013 on the Report of the Second Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers responsible for Meteorology and the African Ministerial Conference on the Meteorology (AMCOMET) held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe from 15 to 19 October 2012. Allow me to take note of the various meetings held in February 2014 at the Headquarters of the African Union that assisted the Experts and Stakeholders’ to discussed the draft Implementation Plan and the subsequent meetings held at the level of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), first – East African Community (EAC) in Arusha, Tanzania, from 5 – 7 May 2014; and in Banjul, The Gambia, from 15 – 16 May 2014 that brought together RECs and Member States from the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS) along with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS); and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), which have facilitated the RECs to validate the draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan.

Honourable Ministers, Mr. Chairman, the convening of the meetings of the AMCOMET Taskforces and Bureau are very unique and at a period in time when the AU Commission is hosting and co-convening many activities. The meteorology meetings would no doubt add value to the work of the Commission and facilitate the improvement of meteorological and earth observation data in the African continent thereby leading to poverty alleviation, improved livelihood of the rural populace and sustainable development.

Honourable Ministers, Mr. Chairman, allow me before I conclude to brief you that the Addis Ababa Declaration on implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) in Africa included the establishment of the Regional Climate Centres in Africa; and I would like to implore the Taskforce to consider the designation of Climate Centres of Excellence in the five regions of Africa, where inexistence including the Indian Ocean for effective implementation of the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology and improved climate services.

Honourable Ministers, Mr. Chairman, I would not want to take much of your time since you have a heavy agenda ahead for the next two days but to end my brief remarks by assuring you all that the AU Commission is fully committed to support AMCOMET activities particularly the implementation of the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services); the Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan; the establishment of the Regional Climate Centre in Central African Region; the African Regional Space Programme; and the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services in Africa.

Honourable Ministers, Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish you productive outcomes at these Meetings of the AMCOMET Taskforces and Bureau.

I thank you all for your kind attention.

Asante sana!

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