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Welcome Statement by Dr. Olawale Maiyegun Director for Social Affairs, African Union Commission on the Occasion of the Extraoridnary Session of the 2nd Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Youth Culture and Sport Experts’ Meeting

Welcome Statement by Dr. Olawale Maiyegun Director for Social Affairs, African Union Commission on the Occasion of the Extraoridnary Session of the 2nd Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Youth Culture and Sport Experts’ Meeting

September 13, 2017

Distinguished Experts


Invited Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
On behalf of the African Union Commission, allow me express my thanks to the Government of Kenya for offering to host the Extraordinary Session of the 2nd Specialized Technical Committee on Youth, Culture and Sport (STC-YCS2). Allow me also to express gratitude to all the Members States and Governments, delegates and partners who are represented here, for sparing time to attend this Extraordinary Session.
You will recall that the 2nd Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Youth, Culture and Sport (STC-YCS2) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in June 2017 and its outcomes were adopted by the AU Executive Council held in Kigali, Rwanda in July 2016. Amongst the decisions that emanated from the Executive Council, the hosting of this Extraordinary Session by the Government of Kenya was one of them. I wish to once again express the Commission’s gratitude and appreciation to the Government of Kenya for honoring its commitment and organizing this important meeting.
The Extraordinary Session will thus be dedicated to review and consider the Draft Statute of the African Audiovisual and Cinema Commission (AACC), whose primary aim will be to promote the cinema industry and audio visual sector on the continent. The African Audio-visual and Cinema Commission as a Specialized Agency of the African Union will work alongside other relevant stakeholders to promote a positive image of Africa through the creation of appropriate structures at the national, regional and continental levels. It will further aim to strengthen cooperation between Member States in the area of audiovisual and cinema and promote the use of audiovisual and cinematic expressions as factors of rapid development, job creation, integration and solidarity and peace building.

I wish to remind all present that the draft Statute of the African Audio Visual and Cinema Commission (AACC) was presented to the 2nd Specialized Technical Committee Meeting in June 2016; In July 2016 it was circulated to Member States and we have received additional inputs from some of the Member States which were incorporated in the document.

I therefore urge us to be fully engage and dedicate ourselves in this review process to enable that the Draft Statute of the African Audio Visual and Cinema Commission is reviewed clause by clause and our report is finalized for the Ministerial Meeting to occur in the next few days, on the 15th of September 2017.

We have limited time but I’m sure that with good time management we will be able to complete the marmot task before us.

Distinguished Experts,

Ladies and Gentlemen

The operationalization of the African Audio Visual and Cinema Commission is also of a paramount importance for young people. Similar to the Audio-visual industries across the world, the African Audio-visual and cinematographic industry will make significant contribution to our economic and social development.
It is well entrenched in the road map developed in response to the AU theme of the year 2017 “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in Youth” that calls for more investment in the 4 key pillars of:
• Employment and entrepreneurship
• Education and skills development
• Health and well-being
• Rights, Governance and Youth Empowerment including migration peace and security.
The role of Audio-visual and cinematographic productions on young people’s education cannot be underestimated in this digital age. Using it as an education tool we can instill Pan African values in young people and promote knowledge and societal practices that foster a conducive environment for sustainable development.

In line with the intent of the Agenda 2063 to use young people’s talent and potential as lever for development, the Audio-visual and cinematographic industry is a means for entrepreneurial activities that will harness young people’s creativity toward more productive and decent work.

The Assembly decision Assembly/AU/Draft.Dec.10 (XXIX) declaring 2018 – 2027 as the “African Decade for technical, professional and entrepreneurial training and youth employment” reinforce the pivotal role of youth skills development including in the audio-visual and cinematographic area toward decent employment.

In that context, it is important that we put young people at the center of our discussions, and have our decisions being driven by the shared vision of Agenda 2063 and road map on the Demographic Dividend.

As we are all aware, Sport forms an integral part of our society and underpins values of integration and Pan-Africanism and the contribution of sports to sustainable development and the values enshrined in agenda 2063 cannot be understated.
There have been multiple achievements in the implementation of the Policy Framework for Sustainable Development of Sports in Africa (2008-2018). However, Doping in Sports is tarnishing the good image and outstanding performance of African Athletes in major international events. You will agree with me that doping in sport does not only contravene the spirit of fair Play but also further presents serious and detrimental health risks.
I wish to inform that, The African Union Commission in collaboration with key stakeholders organized the first Africa Anti-Doping Think Tank Forum, from 28- 31 August 2017 in the Republic of Seychelles to provide a platform for African experts to discuss and to recommend future and implementable strategies to address doping in Sport in Africa. The key outcomes from the forum include adherence to the Code Compliance and strengthening programmes and projects on anti-doping education, awareness creation and partnership to name a few.
In the commencement of the preparations for the 2019 African Games I would therefore urge African Governments and the African Sports Movement to work together and take active steps in order to address matters of doping in Sport and ensure the implementation of sustainable and tangible Anti-doping programmes in pursuit of clean sport and compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

I wish you successful deliberations in our meeting.

Thank you for your kind attention!

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