An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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La Commission de l'Union africaine et la République algérienne démocratique et populaire ont signé l'Accord de siège de la Commission africaine de l'énergie (AFREC)

La Commission de l'Union africaine et la République algérienne démocratique et populaire ont signé l'Accord de siège de la Commission africaine de l'énergie (AFREC)

May 22, 2019

Algiers, Algeria, 22nd May 2019: The African Union Commission (AUC) and the Ministry of foreign Affair of People's Democratic Republic of Algeria have signed the Host Agreement of African Energy Commission (AFREC) on 22nd May 2019 in Algiers, Algeria. The Host Agreement Signed by Ambassador Dr. Namira Negm, the Legal Counsel of AUC, and Mr. Magramane Lounes, General Director of the Protocol.

The signing Ceremony witness by Mr. Bladehane Rachid, Genetral Secretary of Ministry of foreign Affair, Mr. Sofiane Mimouni, Director General for Africa, Mr. Alem Mohamed, Director of Immunities and Diplomatic Privileges , Mr. Rashid Abdallah, Executive Director of AFREC, and the Director of International Cooperation of Ministry of Energy.

AFREC was created by Decision AHG/Dec.167 (XXXVII) of the 37th Summit of the OAU African Heads of States and Governments held in Lusaka, Zambia, on 11 July 2001, and officially launched by the African Union Ministers in charge of Energy in the meeting held on 15-17 February 2008 in Algiers, Algeria through the Algiers Declaration AU/EXP/EN/Decl (III).

The Executive Council in its Thirteenth Ordinary Council held on 24-28 June 2008 in Sharm Elsheikh, Egypt endorsed the Algiers Declaration on the official launching of AFREC ( Decision EX.CL/Dec.432 (XIII)). Up to date, a thirty Seven (37) African countries have ratified and deposited the convention of AFREC, other countries under different stage of ratification.

As per the convention, AFREC has mandated to carry out the following tasks:

• Develop policies, strategies, researches and plans based on Member states, sub-regional, regional and continental development priorities and recommend their implementation;

• Design, create and update an energy continental database and facilitate rapid dissemination of information and exchange of information among Member States, sub-regional, regional and continental institution;

• Provide technical support, mobilize financial and technical support, provide capacity building to the Member States, sub-regional, regional and continental institution for the energy sector;

For more information contact:
Mr. Abdoulaye Oueddo,
Energy Information System Expert, African Energy Commission (AFREC);

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