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Training of Trainers session heightens inclusion and Data Quality for the 4th CAADP Biennial Review cycle

Training of Trainers session heightens inclusion and Data Quality for the 4th CAADP Biennial Review cycle

February 06, 2023

The African Union Commission and Africa Development Agency (AUDA- NEPAD) in collaboration with partners, are conducting the Training of Trainers (ToT) for the 4th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Review (BR) reporting cycle. The trainees have been drawn from the African Union, Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) various organisations and institutions including universities, agricultural research (national and regional), agricultural advisory services.

The Experts are expected to be deployed across the African continent to train selected representatives of Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to facilitate Data collection and reporting on the progress of implementation of the 2014 Malabo Declaration targets. These trainers will also continue to provide technical backstopping on data collection and reporting on the implementation progress of commitments made in the 2014 Malabo declaration by the Africa Heads of State and Governments.  The 4th CAADP BR report will be presented to the African Union Assembly of the Heads and States Summit in February 2024 highlighting the extent to which Member states have recommitted to (i) the Principles and Values of the CAADP Process; (ii) Enhancing Investment Finance in Agriculture; (iii) Ending Hunger in Africa by 2025; (iv) Halving Poverty by the year 2025, through Inclusive Agricultural Growth

and Transformation; (v) Enhancing Resilience of Livelihoods and Production Systems to Climate Variability and other related risks; (vi) Mutual Accountability to Actions and Results.

The 4th BR cycle roadmap commenced with Critical Analysis of the previous BR cycles. This exercise, was held in Yaoundé, Cameroon August 2022, it took stock of the previous three BR cycles and reflected on the lessons learned, examined and identified solutions to the challenges encountered and charted a way forward by including additional indicators, updated BR Technical guidelines and reporting tools and electronic BR platform. The Critical Analysis followed the successful completion and launch of the 3rd CAADP Biennial Review (BR) report by African Union Commission (AUC) in 2022, with the endorsement of the 3rd CAADP Biennial Review (BR) Report during the 35th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union Heads of State and Government in February 2022, dialogues were held in every AU Region to discuss the findings and policy implications of the 3rd BR Report, including suggestions for improving performance of member states in the agriculture sector.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa, the Director of Agriculture and Rural Development, commended all stakeholders for conducting a successful Critical Analysis of the previous BR cycles (1st to 3rd) that examined and addressed the difficulties and issues encountered in the coordination of the BR process and the BR data collection. “We were able to collectively address the issues related to, among others, the data quality, review of new indicators to be added, update of the BR technical guidelines and reporting tools, as well as the e-BR platform” he added. He further called on countries to engage in dialogues of the BR results to improve performance, increase investment and formulate policies, whose outcomes should lead to actions towards Agriculture transformation and development.

The key outcomes of the ToT were highlighted by Dr. Simplice Nouala, the Head of Agriculture and Food Security. He stated that, the experts should consultatively formulate the theme of the 4th BR report and agree on additional data to inform African Common Position (ACP) to the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), report on the implementation of the AU decisions, the existing shocks and communication and advocacy plans for the pre- BR and post BR.

In conclusion, emphasis was put on ensuring inclusion and ownership of the process as well as improving Communication and Advocacy on the BR process at National, Regional and Continental level, and ensure the BR Report ready for presentation to the STC, ARDWE and AU Assembly in January-February 2024.

 For further information, please contact:

  1. Dr. Simplice Nouala, Head of Agriculture and Food Security Division, Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, African Union Commission – Email:

For media inquiries, please contact:

  1. Ms. Peace Lydia Mutuwa, Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, African Union Commission; Email
  2. Mr Molalet Tsedeke, Information and Communications Directorate; AU Commission Tel: 0911-630631; Email:

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