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The High-Level Opening of the Ministerial of the Africa Climate Summit 2023

The High-Level Opening of the Ministerial of the Africa Climate Summit 2023

September 04, 2023

Ministers from relevant sectors i.e. finance, energy, environment, and agriculture; heads of UN agencies; development partners, the private sector, philanthropies, civil society, women and youth will attend this session.

Featuring at the opening ceremony will be

  • Youth Representative
  • Indigenous People Representative
  • CSO Representative
  • Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC
  • E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment, African Union Commission
  • E William Ruto, President, Kenya

The summit aims to position Africa in solidarity with the rest of the world for global climate action, under the theme Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World. Deliberations will focus on the nexus between climate change and Africa’s development reality, with special emphasis on increasing investment in climate action in Africa.

Expected outputs of the 3 day summit are:

  • An African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on a Green Growth and Climate Finance Agenda and Solutions for Africa and the World;
  • Pathway to a new global financial deal that includes “at scale” and fit for purpose financing instruments/products to serve specific growth goals;
  • Investment commitments, including showcasing multi-billion dollar worth of green investment deals on the continent across all thematic sectors of the summit;
  • Announcements on tangible progress on ongoing major continent-wide/ global initiatives, and new partnerships/ initiatives; and
  • Roadmap for implementation of key declarations.

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