An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Executive Council Thirteenth Ordinary Session


1 EX.CL/Dec.415 (XIII)
Decision on the African Union Social Security System - Doc.EX.CL/407 (XIII)-a 1
2 EX.CL/Dec.416 (XIII)
Decision on the Revised African Union Quota System
Doc. EX.CL/407 (XIII)-a 1
3 EX.CL/Dec.417 (XIII)
Decision on the Budget Surplus and Transfer between Budget Lines
Doc. EX.CL/407 (XIII)-a 1
4 EX.CL/Dec.418 (XIII)
Decision on the Contributions of Member States - Doc. PRC/Rpt. (XVI) 1
5 EX.CL/Dec.419 (XIII)
Decision on the AU Calendar of Meetings for the Period May-December 2008
Doc. PRC/Rpt (XV) 1
6 EX.CL//Dec.420 (XIII)
Decision on the Administrative Issues Referred to the Commission by the 11th Extraordinary
Session of the Executive Council on the Audit of the African Union Doc.EX.CL/408 (XIII) 1
7 EX.CL/Dec.421 (XIII)
Decision on the Status of Signature and Ratification of OAU/AU Treaties
Doc. EX.CL/410 (XIII) 1
8 EX.CL/Dec.422(XIII)
Draft Decision on the Report of the Commission on the Abuse of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction by some Member States
Doc.EX.CL/412 (XIII) 1
9 EX.CL/Dec.423 (XIII)
Decision on the Situation of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa EX.CL/413 (XIII) 2
10 EX.CL/Dec.424 (XIII)
Decision on Private Sector Development Doc. EX.CL/413 (XIII) 1
11 EX.CL/Dec. 425 (XIII)
Decision on the Africa-European Union (EU) Dialogue
Doc. EX.CL/416 (XIII) 1
12 EX.CL/Dec. 426 (XIII)
Decision on the Report on Assessing Progress Towards the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and the Status of the MDG Africa Initiative
Doc. EX.CL/417 (XIII) 1

13 EX.CL/Dec.427 (XIII)
Decision on the Report of the Commission on the Twelfth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Doc. EX.CL/420 (XIII) 1
14 EX.CL/Dec.428 (XIII)
Decision on Progress Report on the Various Strategic Partnerships of the African Union with Japan (TICAD IV),
China, South America, India, Turkey and Iran – Doc. EX.CL/421 (XIII) 1
15 EX.CL/Dec.429 (XIII)
Decision on the Report on the on-going Doha Round Negotiations in the World Trade Organization
Doc. EX.CL/423 (XIII) 1
16 EX.CL/Dec. 430 (XIII)
Decision on the Report of the Commission on the Operationalization of the African Standby Force
Doc. EX.CL/427 (XIII) 1
17 EX.CL/Dec.431 (XIII)
Decision on the Report of the First Joint Annual Meetings of the African Union Conference of Ministers of
Economy and Finance and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's Conference of African Ministers of Finance,
Planning and Economic Development - Doc. EX.CL/428 (XIII) 2
18 EX.CL/Dec.432 (XIII)
Decision on the Conference of African Ministers in charge of Energy on the Official Launching of the African Energy Commission (AFREC)
Doc. EX.CL/430 (XIII) 1
19 EX.CL/Dec. 433 (XIII)
Decision of the First Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Transport (CAMT)–Doc. EX.CL/432 (XIII) 1

20 EX.CL/Dec. 434 (XIII)
Decision on the Sixth Ordinary Session of the Labour and Social Affairs Commission (LSAC) -Doc. EX.CL/433 (XIII) 1
21 EX.CL/Dec. 435 (XIII)
Decision on the Second Session of the Conference of African Ministers in charge of Communication and Information Technologies (ICT)
Doc. EX.CL/434 (XIII) 2
22 EX.CL/Dec. 436 (XIII)
Decision on the Special Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Health – Doc. EX.CL/435 (XIII) 2
23 EX.CL/Dec. 437 (XIII)
Decision on the Report and Declaration of the Third Conference of Ministers in charge of Integration
Doc.EX.CL/436 (XIII) 2
24 EX.CL/Dec. 438 (XIII)
Decision on Afro-Arab Cooperation
Doc. EX.CL/438 (XIII) 2
25 EX.CL/Dec. 439 (XIII)
Decision on the Single Legal Instrument on the Merger of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights and the Court of Justice of the African Union
Doc.EX.CL/431 (XIII) 1
26 EX.CL/Dec. 440 (XIII)
Decision on the Situation in Palestine and the Middle East - Doc.EX.CL/442 (XIII) 3
27 EX.CL/Dec.441 (XIII)
Decision on the Report of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) Doc.EX.CL/447 (XIII) 2
28 EX.CL/Dec. 442 (XIII)
Decision on the Election of the Members of the Advisory Board on Corruption within the African Union
Doc.EX.CL/448 (XIII) 1
29 EX.CL/Dec. 443 (XIII)
Decision on the Election of Members of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Doc.EX.CL/450 (XIII) 1
30 EX.CL/Dec.444 (XIII)
Decision on the Election of Judges of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights – Doc.EX.CL/451 (XIII) 1
31 EX.CL/Dec. 445 (XIII)
Decision on the Establishment of the Trust Fund for African Women
Doc.EX.CL/425 (XIII) 1

32 EX.CL/Dec. 446 (XIII)
Decision on the Implementation of Previous Decisions of the Executive Council and the Assembly of the African Union – Doc.EX.CL/409 (XIII) 1
33 EX.CL/Dec.447 (XIII)
Decision on Women’s Pre-Summit 1
34 EX.CL/Dec.448 (XIII)
Decision on the Report of the Pan-African Parliament - Doc. EX.CL/423 (XIII) 1
35 EX.CL/Dec.449 (XIII)
Decision on the Report of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights for the Year 2007 – Doc.EX.CL/445 (XII) 1
36 EX.CL/Dec.450 (XIII)
Decision on the Hosting of the Mid-Year Sessions of the Assembly of the African Union – Doc.EX.CL/426 (XIII) Add.1 1
37 EX.CL/Dec.451 (XIII)
Decision on the Hosting of the Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in July 2010 in Kampala, Uganda
Doc.EX.CL/426 (XIII) Add.2 1
38 EX.CL/Dec.452 (XIII)
Decision on the Current Political Situation in Zimbabwe 1
39 EX.CL/Dec. 453 (XIII)
Decision on African Candidatures for Posts within the International System
Doc. EX.CL/449 (XIII) 2

Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 11:00

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