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African Minerals Development Centre

African Minerals Development Centre


The main objectives of the Centre is  to coordinate and oversee the implementation of the Africa Mining Vision and its Action plan (being revised) to enable the minerals resource sector play its role in the social and economic transformation, inclusive growth and sustainable development of African economies, in conjunction with Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the private sector, civil society organizations including women and youth organizations, collaborating institutions and other key stakeholders. The Statute establishing the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) was adopted by the Twenty-Sixth Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly in January 2016 (Assembly/AU/Dec.589(XXVI)).


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Reference made to the twenty-sixth ordinary session of the Assembly of African Union Heads of State and Government (AU-AHSG) that was held on 30th January 2016 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia adopted Statue establishing African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) as a semi-autonomous Specialized Agency of the African Union

First Bureau Meeting of the AU Conference of Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resources Development (CAMRMRD), Luanda, Angola
August 11, 2014 to August 13, 2014

The Bureau of the AU Conference of Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resources Development adopt the report on the implementation of the African Mining Development Center (AMDC)

Luanda, Angola – 13 August 2014. The first Bureau Meeting of the third African Union Conference of Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resources Development (CAMRMRD) was held today in Luanda, Angola. Organized by the Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission (AUC), the meeting composed of Algeria, Chad, Ethiopia, Ghana and Mozambique as well as Angola as host country, RECs and key partners, considered the Senior Officers’ report on the institutionalization and the sustainability of the African Minerals Development Center (AMDC). Under the monitoring and policy guidance of the AUC, the Center will implement the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) and foster stability and cooperation in the minerals sector in conjunction with key regional and national mineral development centers and facilitate the effective and predictable integration in the African minerals sector.

The main objectives of the Centre shall be to support African Union Member States in the development and implementation of coherent policies including licensing, contracting, taxation and regulatory frameworks. It will increase regional mapping and exploration activities to upgrade mineral inventories and geoscientific information data bases. It will also contribute to the Plan of Action for Accelerating Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) through promotion of beneficiation, industrial linkages, responsible investments, innovation and diversification. The Africa Mining Development Center will promote the continent’s policy space to pursue local beneficiation, value addition and resource-based industrialization and harness the potential of artisanal and small-scale mining by integrating it into regional and global value chains for inclusive growth and sustainable social and economic development.

In her opening remarks, the Commissioner for Trade and Industry, Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl recalled the OAU/AU 50 years celebration with the important contribution of Agenda 2063 as a road map for the next 50 years. She explained that the Mineral Resources and other traditional and non-traditional commodities where Africa has huge endowments, will need to play their transformative role in the achievement of the goals and aspirations of the people on the continent. She underscored the importance the Commission attaches to the Mineral Resources sector as a key sector for the realization of the Agenda 2063 and its vision of creating decent employment and wealth for African population especially the youth and women. “The committed leadership of the African Union Commission is determined to ensure that African member States achieve social and economic development which is inclusive and sustainable. However, for this to happen, it requires a Paradigm Shift, strong Political Commitment at national, regional and continental levels, as well as change of mindset of African communities to own the entire development process of Africa using our natural and human resources. It requires revisiting the way we, as African do things and step out of the box and rethink about how to use our abundant natural resources for benefiting our people. This further requires owning our institutions and processes while working with our key and stakeholders, partners and allies who have Africa’s interests at heart”, she emphasized.

The Minister of Geology and Mines of Angola, Dr. Francisco Queiros thanked the African Union Commission for having chosen Angola to host the meeting. He explained the geological planning framework of Angola. “Our government has invested 405 million US dollars to conduct geological surveys, to establish a modern headquarters of the institute of Geology and to create three laboratories. We will soon conduct a geological mapping to identify the locations of all our mineral resources”, he said. According to the Minister, by investing in infrastructure, Africa will produce wealth and build a strong middle class. He welcomed the AMDC, a Center to be fully owned and controlled by Members States.

Amongst other recommendations to the Ministers, the proposal for the establishment of the African Minerals Development Centre as an organ of the African Union Commission has been endorsed for further recommendation to the upcoming extraordinary Session of Ministers.

As the way forward, the first extraordinary session of the AU Conference of Ministers responsible for mineral resources development will take place in Zambia/Zimbabwe in end of October 2014.

For more information, please contact: Mr. Frank Dixon Mugyenyi –

Media contact: Patient Atcho, Communications Assistant – Email:

3rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resources Development, Maputo, Mozambique
December 13, 2013 to December 17, 2013


Maputo, Mozambique, 13th December 2013, Experts responsible for mining and natural resources development from AU Member States converged today Friday 13th -15th December 2013, to brainstorm how African countries could design and implement effective strategies and policies of Mineral Resources through the African Mining Vision (AMV) and development of an African Mineral Development Center AMDC . Their meeting comes ahead of and in preparation for the 3rd Ordinary Session of the AU Conference of the Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resources Development, scheduled to take place 16th -17th December in Mozambique.

The Conference held under the theme: “Leveraging the Africa Mining Vision for Africa’s Renaissance towards broader ownership”, the meeting is jointly organized by the African Union Commission (AUC), Republic of Mozambique and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

Mrs. Treasure Maphanga, Director of Trade and Industry of the AU Commission at today’s opening session of the meeting highlighted the importance of the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) which stresses the need for value addition, through industrialization and beneficiation of raw materials including by establishing backward and forward linkages in the mining industry.

The Director recalled the decision to establish the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) which will initially be established as a five year project of the AUC while a sustainable institutional framework for its future is being developed. She encouraged Member States to take advantage of the services offered by the AMDC and to play a leadership role in the governance of the Centre. ( Please find the full speech of the Director on

Over two days, the experts are expected to discuss on the Implementation of AMV at the national and regional levels, the case of countries and RECs Mining Vision, managing the AMV Transformation Agenda. The Experts meeting will also consider the African Mineral Development Centre (AMDC). In particular, it will focus on structure, mandates, ownership, governance, financing, roles of the stakeholders and the final form of the AMDC. Additionally, the meeting will consider the AMDC Business Plan, the draft Ministerial declarations, draft agenda and work program of the Ministers’ Meeting.

The meeting was attended by the African Experts responsible for mineral resources development, AUC and RECs’ officials, Development Partners, representatives of UN agencies, African private sector, African Chambers of mines and industry, NGOs and CSOs, AfDB.

At the end of their deliberations, the Experts will adopt a report on the main recommendations of their meeting along with a draft declaration, and submit it for adoption to the 3rd Conference of Ministers to open on Monday 16th December 2013.

For Further Information consult the AU website:

Media Contact:
Ms. Afrah M. Thabit
Directorate of Information and Communication