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African Union Legal Frameworks aim to break the cycle of violence against women and girls

African Union Legal Frameworks aim to break the cycle of violence against women and girls

January 12, 2022

In Africa, the most prevalent forms of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) include, among others, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), which manifests in physical, sexual or psychological violence by an intimate partner; Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which is a common cultural practice in some parts of Africa; Early Child and Forced Marriage where girls below 18 years are forced into marriage; as well as Sexual Violence in Conflict (SVC) which includes rape, sexual assault with violent physical assault, kidnapping, sexual slavery and forced prostitution in conflict situations.

Read about how the AU views and is tackling violence against women and girls, including The Maputo Protocol on Women’s Rights in Africa, the African Union Campaign on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls and the African Union Men’s Conference on Positive Masculinity in Leadership to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls.