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4th Congress of African Economists 2015 Theme: “Industrial Policy and Economic Performance in Africa”

4th Congress of African Economists 2015 Theme: “Industrial Policy and Economic Performance in Africa”

November 16, 2015 to November 18, 2015

16th – 18th November 2015
Accra, Ghana

In partnership with

Industrialization is a fundamental part of the African strategy towards inclusive growth and economic transformation for the next decade and beyond (AU, 2014). Indeed, at a time when countries of the continent are in search of new sources of economic growth to consolidate the gains of the last decade and move towards inclusive growth and sustainable development, attention to industrialization is more important than ever. This vision of industrialization oriented-development took shape during the 10th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in January 2008 with the adoption of the Action Plan for Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA).

However, until now, Africa has not been able to fully exploit the potential of the industrial sector as an engine of decent job creation, economic growth and poverty reduction for inclusive and sustainable development. Indeed, though some African countries have managed to develop relatively competitive industries, this situation is not equivalent in other countries where institutional and regulatory constraints are still pitfalls to the rise of industrialization. For African industrial base to develop, promote strong, sustainable growth and reduce extreme poverty by creating jobs, certain conditions must be met. Some of these conditions include, (i) rule of law; (ii) good "hard" and "soft" infrastructure; (iii) a stable macroeconomic environment; (iv) an educated, qualified and healthy workforce; and (v) access to financial services.

In the light of the above, the 2015 Congress of African Economists will aim to maturing the debate on Africa’s industrial policy with a view to identify strategic policy options and priorities to be implemented for the rapid industrialization of the continent. This edition will also offer a great opportunity to consider Africa’s relationship with the rest of the world from the perspective of industrial policies. The Congress will therefore assess international industrial policies and their possible impact on Africa’s macroeconomic prospects during the decades to come. The 2015 Congress will also provide a unique platform to give voice to young African Economists within the continent and the Diaspora. Through special sessions, the Congress will consider their research on the topic of industrial policy and African economic performance with the aim of harnessing their potential as well as strengthening their capacity through exchanges during sessions and bilateral discussions with African renowned economists and policymakers.

These strategic directions will aim to contribute to the consolidation of economic performance of the last decade and pave the way to structural transformation inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Africa.

The Congress of African Economists is an excellent opportunity for researchers, policymakers and practitioners of economic policy and development in Africa and in the diaspora to contribute to the maturation of the debate on industrial policy strategy to implement with a view to boost African development and shift labor from lower to higher productivity sectors over the decades to come.

To date, three conferences were organized. The first was held from 2 to 5 March 2009 in Nairobi under the theme: “Towards the creation of the African single currency”. The second conference was held in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire from 24 to 26 November 2011 under the theme: '' How to achieve strong and sustainable economic growth in Africa, in order to reduce unemployment and support the dynamics of integration regional and continental? “. The third conference was held in Dakar, Senegal from 6 to 8 March 2013 under the theme "Industrialization and economic emergence in Africa."

Under the global framework of AU Agenda 2063, the 2015 Congress provides an ideal platform for interaction to review past industrial policies, their impact on economic performance and consider emerging policy options and strategies that can foster industrial development of the continent. The impact of these industrial policies will be analyzed in a favorable perspective of market integration, the creation of jobs, environmental protection and inclusive growth.

Contact Persons:
Mrs. Kokobe George
Direct Line: +251 115 182658

Ms. Barbara Ambela
Direct Line: +251 115 182668

Ms. Enkutatash Haile

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