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African Experts Deliberate on Issues of Social Development, Labor and Employment

African Experts Deliberate on Issues of Social Development, Labor and Employment

April 25, 2017

African Experts Deliberate on Issues of Social Development,

Labor and Employment

Algiers, Algeria, 24 April 2017: The meeting of Experts of the Second Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Social Development, Labour and Employment (STC-SDLE-2) commenced today in Algiers, Algeria. The theme of the meeting is “Social Development and Employment: Benefits of the Demographic Dividend for Inclusive Development”. The meeting was convened today in a bid to consider which investments would be required to address opportunities and challenges in reaping the benefits of the demographic dividend with the inclusion of all groups and maximising labour outcomes towards poverty eradication and inclusive development.

During the three day sessions, presentations will be made on ‘Investment in employment and social security for harnessing the demographic dividend”; ‘The Future of Work in Africa; Women Empowerment in Labour market for inclusive development’ and ‘Incisive and novel perspectives on the ways in which Africa’s older persons can yield a demographic dividend in the continent’. The meeting will be briefed on ‘the development of the additional protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Citizens to Social Protection and Social Security and the Social Agenda 2063’. There will also be a briefing on the Social Protection Interagency Coordination Board (SPIAC-B). Two sectoral sessions namely Social Development that will focus on older persons, persons with disabilities and the child, and Labour and Employment will run in parallel.

In his welcoming address, H.E. Mr. Mohamed El-Ghazi, Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security noted that social development, labour and employment is a key area in promoting human development in its dimensions, the theme, of the meeting, social security systems, migration regulatory systems and labour markets are important to take advantage of the demographic dividend. The promotion of social security and employment is essential for demographic transition that should be translated into demographic advantage for economic policy and good governance to promote health, education, decent work and prevention of child marriage.

Addressing the Meeting, H.E. Mme Mounia Meslem, Minister of National Solidarity and Women’s Affairs said: “Current challenges that people in Africa are facing necessitate to unify, scale up our efforts, exchange our expertise and good practices to move forward so that the people of Africa enjoy security, stability, prosperity, progress and development as part of sustainable development.”

In his opening statement, Amb. Olawale I. Maiyegun, Director of Social Affairs of the African Union Commission highlighted the main challenges that clearly point in the direction of the investments that must be made to realize the Demographic Dividend and the Africa we want. “We must consider investments in education, decent jobs, unmet needs of vulnerable groups, nutrition security and social protection. Otherwise we will not realize the first goal of Agenda 2063 that aims at, “A high standard of living, quality of life and well-being for all citizens””. He added: “This will be pursued through a set of interlinked priority areas, which are to provide affordable social security and protection for all (which includes investments in health and education); increase incomes and provide decent jobs for working age adults; end poverty and eliminate hunger and malnutrition.

The Director briefed the meeting that The Draft Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will be presented to the Ministers. He said that the High Level Meeting of Experts was held on 23 and 24 April 2017 in Algiers, Algeria bringing together Ministers, Members of Parliament and Experts, where they thoroughly considered and discussed the Draft Protocol. In addition, he disclosed that the Government of the Republic of South Africa shall host a session for Ministers, Members of Parliament and Disabled People’s Organisations, to develop a Road Map for the signing and ratification of the Protocol once it is adopted by the AU Assembly of Heads of State, in July 2017.

Wrapping up his statement, Amb. Maiyegun urged that the recommendations that come out of this STC must be taken forward in promoting the rights and protection of children, persons of disabilities, older persons or workers and pleaded for strong commitment to make Africa the continent we all want to be proud of.

The meeting will consider the mechanisms and tools required to fast-track the implementation of the First Five Year Priority Programme on Employment, Poverty Eradication and Inclusive Development that is embedded in the First Ten Year Implementation Plan of the Agenda 2063. This builds largely on the Agenda 2063, Aspiration 6: An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children.

For further information, please contact:

Amb. Olawale Maiyegun (PhD), Director, Department of Social Affairs, Tel: +251 115 18

2210 , E-mail:;

Dr. Johan Strijdom, Tel: +213 657599460; E-mail:

Mr. Oumar Diop, Tel: +213 657619842 E-mail:

Media Contact: Challal Djamel, chargé de la communication, Ministère du Travail, de l`Emploi et de la Sécurite Sociale – Algérie , Tel : 213 772330320, Email :

Rahel Akalewold (Mrs.) Information and Communication Directorate, Tel: +213 657619842 and +251911683737, E-mail:

More information:

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Websites: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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