An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Speech of H.E. Mrs. Amira ElFadil, Commissioner for Social Affiars at Closing Remark

Speech of H.E. Mrs. Amira ElFadil, Commissioner for Social Affiars at Closing Remark

April 28, 2017

24-28 APRIL 2017

Theme: “Investment in Employment and Social Security for Harnessing the Demographic Dividend”


I am greatly delighted that we have finally and successfully come to the end of our Second Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Social Development Labour and Employment. We could not have reached this stage without the support and generosity of the Government and the noble people of the great People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria. History will take note that it was here in Algeria that we were able to agree on and lay concrete milestones for the continent and for the social prosperity of its people.
I would therefore like to graciously thank His Excellency the President of the Republic of Algeria President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the Prime Minister, Mr. Abdelmalek Sellal, who honoured us with his presence and inspiring remarks at the opening session of the Ministerial Session. The Honourable Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security Mr. Mohamed El-Ghazi, and the Minister of National Solidarity and Women’s Affairs Madam Mounia Meslem for their towering presence and their joint commitments toward the success of this session.
I am also grateful for the high attendance of member states, representatives of employers and employees at both the experts’ level and the ministerial. This high turnout is indicative of the new thinking and shift of our member states, partners, employers and employees and other stakeholders towards prioritizing social dialogue, social justice, sustainable development and inclusive growth which are high on the Agenda 2063 and the various continental frameworks. The lively and constructive debates, these few days from the various flanks of the tripartite, illustrate a great convergence and a real willingness to envision the future and to prepare for it. I therefore salute you all for this great turnout as well as for the passion and the remarkable spirit that overwhelmed our debates during the various sessions of this Second STC.
Let me thank the Chair and the Bureau of the First STC for the efforts and the responsibilities they undertook on our behalf during the last two years. We are here today, because we stood on their shoulders to see afar and to plan ahead. To the incoming chair and bureau, we have already seen the rhythm and passion of their commitments during this session. I am encouraged by the fact that such manifestations could only allow us to be more successful in our deliberations and engagements during the tenure of the current Bureau.
Let me also commend our partners for the moral and financial support as well as for their active participation and attendance of this session. I will deliberately refrain from mentioning names so as not to miss out on one or two of the partners, but to let you know that we highly appreciate you and we look forward to a more constructive engagement as a means of guaranteeing the “Benefits of the Demographic Dividend for inclusive Development”.
On a sad note, I would like to convey my sincere and profound condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of Mali and to the bereaved family of Mr. Kebe for his sudden death. I will refer to him as a fallen soldier who came here to advocate for a noble cause. His memory will linger in our minds,whenever we come to discuss about the outcome and achievements of the Second STC in Algeria. May his humble soul rests in perfect peace and may Almighty God forgive his mistakes. Amen

Honourable Ministers , Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
Besides this unforeseen and unfortunate incident, our engagement here has been fruitful, commendable and a total success. Hereafter, our focus will concentrate on implementation; a domain where we need to exert more energy to ensure that all the great work here in Algeria will not go in vain. For example, we must:
o Fast track the implementation of the Protocol on Persons with Disability. The Commission will take the draft Protocol for adoption by the STC on Justice and Legal Affairs before the end of this year. I am confident that member states will engage immediately on advocacy for its ratification. In the same vein, we must not forget to step up our efforts insigning and ratifying the Protocol of Older Persons as Africa is gradually seeing the scepter of aging creeping on the continent.
o To take appropriate measure for the formulation of national and regional domestication documents on the 5 year Priority Programme for the implementation of the Ouga Plus 10 declaration and plan of action
o Integrate the roadmap on Demographic Dividend into national policy framework on employment
o Stepping up national measures on women empowerment in African Labour markets under the human rights perspective
o Continue to collaborate with the AU on the Campaign to end Child marriage.

The Bureau will be consulted on the outcome of this STC and on other matters that may arise on the margins of the International Labour Conference in Geneva.

Honourable Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen

Allow me to conclude by thanking the Government of the Republic of Guinea for agreeing to host the next STC in Conakry. We look forward to working with the Government and other stakeholders for a successful event. May all of us leave the shores of Algeria very well and reach safely to our various destinations.

I thank you.

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