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Commemoration of the 24th Anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide

Commemoration of the 24th Anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide

April 07, 2018

1. The Department of PoliticalAffairs(DPA) of theAfrican Union Commission(AUC), in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda in Ethiopia and Permanent Mission to the African Union is organizing the 24th Commemoration of the Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda at the AUC on 7 April 2018.
2. Over period of one hundred days, one million Rwandan citizen perished during the Genocide of 1994. The AUC has been commemorating the Genocide in Rwanda since 07 April 2010. The year 2018, therefore marks the 24th commemoration of those dark days, an important occasion to remember the lives lost, show solidarity with survivors and unite to ensure it never happens again – in Rwanda or elsewhere in Africa and beyond. It is also a chance to learn about Rwanda’s story of reconciliation and nation building.
3. Each year’s commemoration activities are guided by a theme and this year’s theme is: “Remember-Unite-Renew”. We should all remember what happened in Rwanda in 1994 in order to learn lessons so as to avoid such tragedies. We should unite in order to pay our respects to those who lost their lives and offer our solidarity to the survivors. We should renew our commitment to our solemn declaration that never again shall such tragedy recur in Africa and elsewhere in the world.
4. Remember: The annual Commemoration co-organized by the African Union Commission is an opportunity to refresh our minds that genocide is a crime against humanity that deserves the harshest punishment. It should be prevented by all means and strategies possible.
5. Unite: The annual Commemoration is indeed an opportunity to galvanise all efforts at national, regional, continental and international levels against genocide ideology and collectively fight against all forms and manifestations of denialism of genocide.
6. Renew:The annual Commemoration is also an opportunity for all Africans as well as citizen of the world to renew their commitment to ensure that genocide never happens again - anywhere. The commemoration continuously awakens greater awareness of the African peoples and the international community about the value of life and humanity, and to renew our collective commitment to protect and uphold fundamental human rights.

7. The overall purpose of this annual commemoration is to continuously awaken greater awareness of the African peoples and the international community about the value of life and humanity, and to renew our collective commitment to protect and uphold fundamental human rights.
8. The specific objectives are:
a. To remember the atrocities wrought by the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in
b. To unite together in our fight against genocide; and
c. To renew our resolve ensure that Genocide does not happen ever again.


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