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Journée mondiale contre le paludisme : "Le paludisme zéro commence avec moi"

Journée mondiale contre le paludisme : "Le paludisme zéro commence avec moi"

April 25, 2019

Addis Ababa, 25 April 2019. The African Union celebrates with the international community the World Malaria Day today under the theme “Zero Malaria Starts with Me”.
African Union considers the World Malaria Day an opportunity to highlight the need for continued investment and sustained political commitment to malaria prevention and control, and, therefore, advocates for an increase in external and domestic funding for malaria elimination; and increased awareness and ownership at the community level.
On this occasion, the African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs, H.E. Amira Elfadil reaffirms the commitment of the African Union to work with Member States and development partners in eliminating malaria in Africa. Over the past decade, we have collectively made significant progress in efforts to defeat malaria. However, recent reports from our countries and the WHO show that the investments and significant achievements made are under threat, thus requiring accelerated and urgent actions to get countries back on track. Consequently, Her Excellency Elfadil calls for more shared responsibility and global solidarity to rid the continent of this preventable and treatable disease once and for all. On this regard the African Union jointly with African leader Malaria Alliance (ALMA) and Roll Back Malaria (RBM) is advancing the continental effort to end Malaria.
In June 2018, at the African Union 31st Ordinary Session, Heads of State and Government endorsed the “Zero Malaria Starts with Me” continent-wide campaign, led by the African Union and Roll Back Malaria and aimed at a malaria-free Africa. This followed the co-launch of the Campaign by His Majesty King Mswati III of the Kingdom of Eswatini and His Excellency Macky Sall, the President of the Republic of Senegal, on 1 July 2018. The campaign targets grassroots movements and appeals to all stakeholders—political leaders, the private sector, communities, and other members of society—to commit to the fight against malaria. Nine countries have already launched the “Zero Malaria Starts with Me” campaign and more than 30 others have expressed interest in its rollout.
Efforts to eliminate malaria are recording increasing success at the continental level. On this day we celebrate with countries that are closer to elimination than ever before (46 countries in 2017 compared to 37 in 2010); more attention needs to be paid to mobilizing domestic resources for increased access and sustainability of prevention and treatment services.

For further information: Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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