African Union Launches a Continental Green Recovery Action Plan
African Union Launches a Continental Green Recovery Action Plan

COVID-19 has triggered the deepest economic recession in nearly a century and the impacts on Africa have been particularly stark. Food insecurity and debt has been rising, and hard-won development gains are being lost. As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds in Africa, the situation remains fluid and rapidly evolving, with measures needed to ensure the trajectory of the recovery remains in line with the Paris agreement and the ambition of COP26.
In response to these challenges, the African Union Green Recovery Action Plan (AU-GRAP) was launched virtually on 15 July 2021.
From 2021 to 2027, under the leadership of the African Union and in partnership with AU Member States and international partners, the AU-GRAP will provide, among others, an opportunity for countries to embolden action on the following five priority areas:
- Climate finance, including increasing flows, efficiency, and impact of funding.
- Supporting renewable energy, energy efficiency and national Just Transition programmes;
- Nature-based solutions and focus on biodiversity through work on sustainable land management, forestry, oceans, and ecotourism;
- Resilient agriculture, by focusing on inclusive economic development and green jobs;
- Green and resilient cities, including a focus on water (flooding and water resources) and enhancing information, communication and technology.
The AU GRAP will utilise existing AU mechanisms for communicating with Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs); contribute towards attaining the Agenda 2063 targets, and support the continent to get back on track to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals.
The launch was attended by AU Heads of State and Government and senior AU Commission officials, including H.E President Felix Tshisekedi, Chairperson of the African Union and President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (ARBE) H.E Amb. Josefa Sacko representing H.E Moussa Faki Mahamat, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission. Experts from AU Member States, UN agencies, bilateral and multilateral partners also attended.
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